每日英語 #099: Typical Television Comedies

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Typical Television Comedies

In a 2010 book called *What Americans Really Want...Really* by Dr. Frank Luntz, the “author” (writer) discusses what makes a popular television comedy show in the U.S. Here are his four of his “guidelines” (suggestions or rules) on what makes a good sitcom.


  1. Hold up a mirror. “To hold up a mirror” means to put a mirror in your hands to see what you look like. This is exactly what Americans like to see in their sitcoms — themselves! Luntz says that people want “shows and characters they can personally relate to,” meaning programs and people that they can feel connected to. This may mean people of the same race or “geography” (location), or perhaps even the kinds of jobs they have.
  2. Connect the dots. The expression “to connect the dots” means that you have to see the connection between things that may seem “otherwise” (normally) unrelated. For Americans, apparently they want the television show itself to connect the dots, meaning that they want the relationship between different events to be very obvious.
  3. Relationships involving conflict. Nowadays, Americans no longer want sweet, innocent comedy. That is, they don’t necessarily want comedies where everything is nice and everyone gets along with everyone else. Instead, they want “conflict” (disagreement) among the characters. They want what we would call “an edge,” something that is a little “dark” (sad or tragic) but still “lovable” (something you can like or appreciate).
    涉及衝突的關係。 如今,美國人不再喜歡甜美無邪的喜劇。也就是說,他們不一定想要所有事情都很美好,所有人都彼此和睦相處的喜劇。相反,他們希望角色之間有“衝突”(分歧)。他們想要我們所說的“鋒芒”,一點點“黑暗”(悲傷或悲劇),但仍然是“可愛的”(你可以喜歡或欣賞的)。
  4. Home is where comedy lives. Americans like comedies about people in their homes rather than their office.
    家是喜劇的所在。 美國人更喜歡關於家庭而非辦公室的喜劇。


  • Hold up a mirror /həʊld ʌp ə ˈmɪrər/ - 拿起鏡子
  • Relate to /rɪˈleɪt tuː/ - 認同;相關聯
  • Connect the dots /kəˈnɛkt ðə dɒts/ - 連點成線
  • Conflict /ˈkɒnflɪkt/ - 衝突
  • Lovable /ˈlʌvəbəl/ - 可愛的
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