Sunny Chen英文練習園地


【英語能力起飛】Nelson老師的學員Sunny Chen專屬練習園地

一、依照指示翻譯成英文: 儘管面臨巨大挑戰,彼得非常有信心。 指示:現在簡單式、分別以副詞子句、介詞片語、分詞構句寫出三句意思相同的話。 二、填空完成句子,空格字數不限: Clio found it very hard to ______ on social media.
Peter is very confident although he face huge challenges. Peter is very confident despite facing huge challenges. Facing huge challenges, Peter is very confident. Clio found it very hard to spend less time on social media. = It was very difficult for Clio to spend less time on social media.
中翻英 有些我的朋友千里迢迢來參加我的咖啡館的試營運。 大部分的用餐桌位預約都被取消了。這真是令人失望。 為了要替生活增添變化,週末她會去上瑜珈課或野營。
Revised 1.Some of my friends traveled a long distance to participate a soft opening of my cafe. 3. She goes to yoga classes or camping to adds variety to life on weekends.