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夏目漱石的"吾輩是貓";福澤諭吉的"學問之勸",日本史學名著在在說明,開卷有益。 經驗典藏,歷久彌新,每段文句滋養心頭,充滿激情與夢想,一生受益,造就偉業。開卷有益,知識無涯,信手拈來,字字珠璣 。書香滿室,氣定神閒 。智慧生成,千古傳承,厚積薄發,精神昇華,字裡行間都是夢想與現實。-April, Chenjung Lynn-

Natsume Sōseki’s “I Am a Cat” and Fukuzawa Yukichi’s “Encouragement of Learning” are classic works in Japanese literature that illustrate the idea that “reading is beneficial.” The wisdom in these texts is timeless, nourishing the heart with every phrase, filled with passion and dreams, benefiting a lifetime and leading to great achievements. Reading is beneficial; knowledge is boundless and easily accessible, and every word is a gem. The room is filled with the fragrance of books, creating a calm and composed atmosphere. Wisdom is generated and passed down through the ages, accumulating and then bursting forth, elevating the spirit, with dreams and reality intertwined in every line.


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