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Date: September 21st, 8am-6pm
Location: Pan Pacific Hotel, 7 Raffles Blvd, Marina Square

The organizer TokenMatch is from the USA, they are helping the ICO project doing the roadshow in Singapore, Barcelona, New York, San Francisco, London. Most of the ICO is from the USA, they are mostly SME and wanted to get financing by ICO. I think this event was well organized in a good location and proper dining.

The interesting part
1) they have 2 conference room, they let ICO project pitch in these 2 rooms in a different time, meaning ICO project will pitch 2 times, so investors no need to go different room.
2) there will be no photo taken during the pitch
3) they gave every audience a small controller to vote if they are interested in this project anonymously, they will select the highest score for the winner, so it is a competition for ICO project
4) this is the first time I see a TV professionally interviewing the ICO project and prospect investors, it was CNBC Crypto Trader, their Youtube

If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or discuss with me.
Originally published at
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精英荟萃,技术角逐 在全球范围内备受瞩目的GTC环球交易者大赛现已进入到了半决赛阶段,这场比赛集结了来自世界各地的顶尖交易者。他们不仅代表着金融行业的高水平,更是各自国家和地区金融智慧的集中体现。   GTC环球交易者大赛是全世界线上投资大赛,参与人是世界顶级分析师及交易员。大赛主办是诺森伯兰
2024 年 8 月 12 日,台北市的 W 飯店迎來了一場備受矚目的金融界盛會-由朋德投資股份有限公司與經豐投資股份有限公司共同舉辦的年度金融高峰會。這場盛會猶如一顆璀璨的星辰,吸引了近 450 位金融業的翹楚和精英,共同聚焦未來金融發展的動向,展開了一場深度且富有前瞻性的思想碰撞。 會議伊
2024 年 8 月 12 日,台北市的 W 飯店迎來了一場備受矚目的金融界盛會-由商林投資股份有限公司與經豐投資股份有限公司共同舉辦的年度金融高峰會。這場盛會猶如一顆璀璨的星辰,吸引了近 450 位金融業的翹楚和精英,共同聚焦未來金融發展的動向,展開了一場深度且富有前瞻性的思想碰撞。
對話十字路口:將商務談話引向正確方向 請依據如下的會議開場致詞,從選項中挑出適合的應答(可能不只一個) The scene takes place at a bustling trade exposition. A is the CEO of a technology company, B is
對話十字路口:將商務談話引向正確方向 請依據如下的會議開場致詞,從選項中挑出適合的應答(可能不只一個) Good morning, everyone. Thank you for attending today's meeting. Our main purpose today is to de
對話十字路口:將商務談話引向正確方向 請依據如下的會議開場致詞,從選項中挑出適合的應答(可能不只一個) Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for taking the time to attend today's meeting. We've invited
對話一 Business Manager: Good morning, Ms. Chen. Thank you for meeting with me today. I understand you're looking for a venue for your company's annual
對話十字路口:將商務談話引向正確方向 請依據如下的會議開場致詞,從選項中挑出適合的應答(可能不只一個) Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for attending this urgent meeting. We've called this meeting
對話十字路口:將商務談話引向正確方向 請依據如下的會議開場致詞,從選項中挑出適合的應答(可能不只一個) Good morning, everyone. We've gathered the marketing and accounting departments today to discuss
Bybit Web3錢包活動中的IDO首次去中心化交易所上幣活動將在1/10至1/14期間進行,機會難得,不要錯過!
精英荟萃,技术角逐 在全球范围内备受瞩目的GTC环球交易者大赛现已进入到了半决赛阶段,这场比赛集结了来自世界各地的顶尖交易者。他们不仅代表着金融行业的高水平,更是各自国家和地区金融智慧的集中体现。   GTC环球交易者大赛是全世界线上投资大赛,参与人是世界顶级分析师及交易员。大赛主办是诺森伯兰