FAQs About Auditing & Profits Tax Return

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fter reading our previous article in relation to auditing and profits tax return in Hong Kong, we believe that you now have a basic understanding of the related matters. Today, let’s take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions we receive at FastLane.
1. What is the auditing process?
  • The company prepares the financial accounts along with the supporting documents for the CPA’s further handling.
  • The auditor reviews and understands the activities of the company as well as the nature of the company, both of which could affect the audit.
  • The auditor identifies and evaluates significant transactions in the financial statement.
  • The auditor tests the financial statements and spots uncertainties and errors that could influence the financial accounts.
  • The auditor reviews the financial statements and its supporting documents to ensure that the report on transactions is accurate.
  • The auditor made an opinion report to reflect the accuracy and fair representation of the company’s financial statements.
  • The auditor makes a report from the audit and opinion on the financial statements.
  • The director of the company signs the audit report and the supporting documents.
  • The auditor receives the signed audit report and creates the tax computation form and sends it back to the IRD along with the Profits Tax Return.
The content and depth of the audit documents depend on the identified risks of material misstatement, the judgement required in performing the audit and the significance of the audit evidence obtained by the auditor.
2. How can I apply for reporting exemption?
According to the new Company Ordinance, private and guarantee companies are qualified to prepare simplified accounts and directors’ reports.
To qualify for the reporting exemption, you need to meet the requirements below:
For a small private company, it is required to meet two of the following conditions:
  • Your total revenue does not exceed $100 million in a financial year;
  • Your total assets does not exceed $100 million in a fiscal year;
  • The number of employees does not exceed 100 in a financial year.

For a small guarantee company, it is required that:
  • Your total revenue does not exceed $25 million in a fiscal year.
Please note that for the subsidiaries of a listed company, you may qualify for reporting exemption, in the case that it is not a company specified in section 359(4) (for example, an insurance company or a bank) if you meet the requirements above.
3. How does reporting exemption help simplify the reports for qualified companies?
For companies that qualify for reporting exemption, the financial statements can be prepared following the Small and Medium-Sized Entity Financial Reporting Standard and Financial Reporting Framework.
Moreover, for the qualified companies, it is not required to prepare the following when creating the accounts and directors’ reports:
  • Disclosure of the auditor’s remuneration in financial statements;
  • A “true and fair view” for financial statements;
  • Disclosure in the material interests of directors in transactions or contracts within the notes to financial statements;
  • The inclusion of the following information in the director’s report:
  • Business review
  • Donations
  • Director’s reason for resignation
  • Material interests of directors in transactions, arrangements and contracts

Please note that for reporting exemption-qualified companies, their financial statements are still required to be audited.
4. When is the Profits Tax Return deadline in 2020?
The due date for Profits Tax Return depends on how you set your financial year-end date. For limited companies or unincorporated businesses in Hong Kong, you can select any date as your fiscal year-end date. Most companies in Hong Kong set their financial year-end date on December 31st or March 31st.

It is worth mentioning that for new companies in Hong Kong, the first Profits Tax Return will be sent to you by the IRD (Inland Revenue Department) 18 months after the date of incorporation, and you will have a 3-month period to return the form. However, starting from the second Profits Tax Return, you will only have 1 month to submit the Profits Tax Return.
If you chose December 31st as your financial year-end date, it is required to file your Profits Tax Return by mid-August. For companies that set the fiscal year-end date as March 31st, the deadline tax return submission would be mid-November. If you choose a different date as your accounting year-end date, IRD will send you the Profits Tax Return on the first working day of April, and you need to file the tax return by end of April.
5. What happens if I missed the deadline for Profits Tax Return submission?
Late submission in Profits tax return may subject to a penalty payment of HK$10,000 and triple amount of the tax. You are also subject to prosecution. To avoid delay in Profits Tax Return filing, it is recommended to have all the documents prepared for your CPA, as the document preparation process is normally the longest process to an audit.
6. Can I extend the deadline for Profits Tax Return submission?
Yes, a further 2-weeks extension will be granted to Small Corporations and Small Partnership Businesses on application, if they file the Profits Tax Return through online platform.

7. Can I change year-end date for my company?
Yes, you can change the year-end date. However, please note that the financial year cannot be longer than 18 months. It is not allowed to extend the financial year-end date again within a five-year period from your previous year-end extension.

8. Do I still need to audit my accounts and submit Profits Tax Return if I am not making profits or the business has not yet started?
In the case that your business has yet to commence, you are allowed to report that it has “not yet commenced” to IRD (Inland Revenue Department). The company director or company secretary must provide a declaration of a not yet commenced business. You can file a “NIL” Profits Tax Return to the IRD by absence of an audit report.

However, please note that you are still required to prepare an audited financial statement even when the business has not yet started. Once your business commences, you are required to submit your first and subsequent years’ financial statements.
9. As an offshore company, do I need to submit a Profits Tax Return?
In the case that all income of the offshore company is generated outside Hong Kong, you can make an offshore claim and apply for profit tax exemption. Please note that any profit derived from Hong Kong from trades, profession or business is liable to profit tax.

The offshore company needs to submit the Profits Tax Return and financial statement, together with an offshore claim. The company needs to provide the IRD with passports of all company directors, company invoices, contracts and other relevant documents. The Inland Revenue Department will examine and confirm that the company does not have any income derived from Hong Kong and thus is not required to pay tax in Hong Kong. The offshore claim status will stay effective in the course of 5 years.

10. What is Hong Kong’s profits tax deduction policy in 2020?
Per the Hong Kong 2020-21 Budget, a Hong Kong incorporated company may have their 2019-20 Hong Kong profits tax liabilities waived, up to a ceiling of HKD20,000.

We hope the frequently asked questions above are able to help you with your auditing problems.

Need help in performing an audit or handling your Profits Tax Return? Fastlane is a CPA firm that can help you handle all matters in accounting so you can focus on other areas of your business. Reach out to us today to learn more!

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在夾雜在明暗之間的燈光底下,許多青年, 亦是乘著滑板呼嘯而過, 亦是在街邊順著塗鴉牆拍照, 亦是單純閒聊; 而那一男一女,是楉禹跟簡丞瑋, 直接並肩席地而坐, 在西門町電影公園的柏油路地板上聊天。 『我媽不是不懂我,我也不是不懂她, 只是當爭執一來,我們都無法去懂對方。』 楉禹直直望著前方說著
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婚禮紀錄 by 自然捲攝影工作室, 攝影師 Tako 造型 by 糖糖整體造型新娘秘書, 造型師 糖糖 這是一篇關於我自已的婚禮回顧分享文…真的有點久,時間倒轉回到2013年夏天,跟交往了N年的隊友終於決定攜手走入禮堂,一起共組屬於二個人的小家庭。 婚禮的籌備過程其實不算長,大約半年的時間,而我
分享我的婚攝最後給的成品,除了超過 700 張以上的照片電子檔之外,另外還用了當天拍攝的照片做成影片檔。 此外,還有一本由當天照片編排而成的相本,極度精美到讓我覺得拿到了另一本婚紗相本(這比娘家本更值得珍藏丫!!)   集結成冊的~~婚禮記錄相本   相本的內頁採用故事性的編排方式,並且依時
事緣早前我陷入了低潮期,徹底迷失在這場人生遊戲中(雖然現在仍舊迷茫),然後偶然跟朋友展開以下對話:   你有甚麼持之以恆的習慣? ……寫電影觀後感? 那為甚麼不試試開個page寫電影心得?  蹉跎到2021年,眼見未來雲開見月明的可能性越來越低,又懶又怕麻煩的我終於鼓起勇氣在不同平台講電影。
哈囉各位好,我是Teidi。 今天我要公開我的一切!包含我的體重。 我很好懂的!喜歡的東西就這幾樣而已,簡單隨意。你呢?
22/09/2019 Melbourne, Australia Dear Yiling, It feels like we are travelling back in time...back to the old days we wrote about our daily lives... y
在夾雜在明暗之間的燈光底下,許多青年, 亦是乘著滑板呼嘯而過, 亦是在街邊順著塗鴉牆拍照, 亦是單純閒聊; 而那一男一女,是楉禹跟簡丞瑋, 直接並肩席地而坐, 在西門町電影公園的柏油路地板上聊天。 『我媽不是不懂我,我也不是不懂她, 只是當爭執一來,我們都無法去懂對方。』 楉禹直直望著前方說著
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我是誰?如何開始這個創作 故事從這開始 出生於中部人稱台灣高譚市,家鄉名產慶記與金錢喵,父親職業為後代世人所稱羨的公務員,自國小在填寫家庭資料時,我總是找不著公務員這個字詞,士農工商該屬於哪個?父親工作的地方都稱為辦公廳,為何別人父親都稱為公司、工廠、商店,家境別人都是小康以上,年紀小還未能讀懂小康
婚禮紀錄 by 自然捲攝影工作室, 攝影師 Tako 造型 by 糖糖整體造型新娘秘書, 造型師 糖糖 這是一篇關於我自已的婚禮回顧分享文…真的有點久,時間倒轉回到2013年夏天,跟交往了N年的隊友終於決定攜手走入禮堂,一起共組屬於二個人的小家庭。 婚禮的籌備過程其實不算長,大約半年的時間,而我
分享我的婚攝最後給的成品,除了超過 700 張以上的照片電子檔之外,另外還用了當天拍攝的照片做成影片檔。 此外,還有一本由當天照片編排而成的相本,極度精美到讓我覺得拿到了另一本婚紗相本(這比娘家本更值得珍藏丫!!)   集結成冊的~~婚禮記錄相本   相本的內頁採用故事性的編排方式,並且依時