2020 Vision: Plan your Xero-Driven Practice

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1. Leverage Tech Time Savings

Xero enables CPAs to use cloud tech to increase accountant value to their clients. Accountants reap time savings, and connectivity eases the pain of compliance work. However, let’s focus on growing your practice once you’ve optimized time and tedium. You could bid for more clients, but likely you and select clients are ready to start a meaningful and profitable advisory relationship. So, growth doesn’t necessarily mean more clients, but deeper and more mutually valuable client relationships.

2. Xero + Apps Bought You Time – Here’s How to Spend It

Done right, cloud-connected processes seem nearly miraculous in their time savings compared to the tedium of manual ten-key and data entry. How you use that time savings is critical – the goal is not to cut time-costs (or replace time costs with software costs) but rather to use that time savings to cultivate growth and profit.
Truth is, CPAs do not realize a higher ROI on annual compliance work with cloud connectivity – the margin simply isn’t available. Instead, whether we’re at the business end or the finance end, we all strive for a connected ecosystem because we innately recognize CFO-style advisory as the ideal professional/client relationship*.

3. Ease Into Successful Advisory

While you might consider easing into your first advisory engagement by offering the service to your existing clients who are really struggling with their business cash flow, there’s folly in that approach. Instead, objectively select the ideal cash flow client so that the CFO/advisory formula is workable. The ideal client is one who:
  • Has smooth workflows and trained personnel surrounding all aspects of the accounting workflow
  • Has a minimum annual revenue of $1M+
  • Would benefit from and value a weekly touchpoint around cash flow advisory
Having selected clients who might be open to an advisory relationship with you according to the criteria above, analyze their file looking for the following red flags that indicate they require additional cash flow troubleshooting. Here are some common cash flow challenges to look for:
  • Disordered or aging AP/AR
  • Bank overdrafts or fees
  • Credit card usage
  • Line of credit usage
  • Shareholder loans or investments

4. Repurpose Saved Time

You’ll need the time you’ve saved as advisory proves to be challenging and uncomfortable work for starting practitioners. Be prepared to provide enough time for the relationship to flourish – about 50 – 75 personnel hours for Year 1, and 50 hours per year beyond that.
Client list in hand, block time to call clients for a discussion around these red flags and to discuss how advisory can help them succeed in 2020. Set a new engagement that covers cash flow management from a CFO perspective for an additional service fee; set expectations at the outset that touchpoints should be brief and weekly.
*By Dryrun’s research, advisory services are the most often advertised but seldom delivered offering on a CPA webpage – interpret this to mean that you know clients need it and ask for it, you’re just not entirely sure how to deliver it).
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​ ●2020韓國電影【名偵探奶奶 오! 문희 噢! 文姬  Oh! My Gran】到底要我信她多少?(羅文姬 李熙俊 崔元英) ◎自從看過【阿嬤的小公主】和【花漾奶奶秀英文】後,韓國演員羅文姬演奶奶的影劇,就有一股吸引我的魅力,年紀大的羅奶奶的演技,總是自然到希望被奶奶又疼又罵又碎念的令人思念
夢到去了大阿姨的家  我好像去借住 大姨丈也還住在那 看起來沒有異狀 半夜好奇在屋子走來走去  突然緊急鈴響起 我去找了找什麼東西在響 螢幕上寫了被送往醫院的人名跟狀態 我看了一下,上面寫著姑姑 昏迷 馬上就聽到樓上有人在收東西的聲音. 大姨丈馬上要回醫院處理病人了  晃到後面小阿姨跟大阿姨在講
[殭屍] 這天是我們的畢業典禮 我在一間小房間內看著,有點像是棒球場vip 那樣,好像還有一個男生,但我忘記是誰了,總之一開始都沒事,我們在等著被點名,我還可以有閒情逸致看著樓下的頒獎... 不尋常的事情開始了,有個女生一直用詭異的眼神一直看著我們的玻璃大門,雖然有用紗簾遮住但還是看得到裡面一些些.
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
11/20日NVDA即將公布最新一期的財報, 今天Sell Side的分析師, 開始調高目標價, 市場的股價也開始反應, 未來一週NVDA將重新回到美股市場的焦點, 今天我們要分析NVDA Sell Side怎麼看待這次NVDA的財報預測, 以及實際上Buy Side的倉位及操作, 從
Hi 大家好,我是Ethan😊 相近大家都知道保濕是皮膚保養中最基本,也是最重要的一步。無論是在畫室裡長時間對著畫布,還是在旅途中面對各種氣候變化,保持皮膚的水分平衡對我來說至關重要。保濕化妝水不僅能迅速為皮膚補水,還能提升後續保養品的吸收效率。 曾經,我的保養程序簡單到只包括清潔和隨意上乳液
​ ●2020韓國電影【名偵探奶奶 오! 문희 噢! 文姬  Oh! My Gran】到底要我信她多少?(羅文姬 李熙俊 崔元英) ◎自從看過【阿嬤的小公主】和【花漾奶奶秀英文】後,韓國演員羅文姬演奶奶的影劇,就有一股吸引我的魅力,年紀大的羅奶奶的演技,總是自然到希望被奶奶又疼又罵又碎念的令人思念
夢到去了大阿姨的家  我好像去借住 大姨丈也還住在那 看起來沒有異狀 半夜好奇在屋子走來走去  突然緊急鈴響起 我去找了找什麼東西在響 螢幕上寫了被送往醫院的人名跟狀態 我看了一下,上面寫著姑姑 昏迷 馬上就聽到樓上有人在收東西的聲音. 大姨丈馬上要回醫院處理病人了  晃到後面小阿姨跟大阿姨在講
[殭屍] 這天是我們的畢業典禮 我在一間小房間內看著,有點像是棒球場vip 那樣,好像還有一個男生,但我忘記是誰了,總之一開始都沒事,我們在等著被點名,我還可以有閒情逸致看著樓下的頒獎... 不尋常的事情開始了,有個女生一直用詭異的眼神一直看著我們的玻璃大門,雖然有用紗簾遮住但還是看得到裡面一些些.