Hong Kong Budget : SME Relief Measures

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On 26 February, Financial Secretary Paul Chan presented Hong Kong’s budget for 2020-21. The budget introduced one of the widest ranging Hong Kong budgets in recent years. As a response to various challenges that Hong Kong experienced in the 2019-20 financial year, Paul Chan stated that the goal of this budget was to: support enterprises, safeguard jobs, stimulate the economy and relieve people’s burdens.
However, it is clear that Hong Kong budget deficits are a result of costs rising faster than the 2.8% trend growth rate in tax revenues assumed for 2021-24. To steadily grow revenues, the Hong Kong government has proposed various relief measures to support businesses.

Among the many relief measures, small and medium-sized enterprises (“SME’s”) can expect to enjoy the following relief measures:

  • Profits tax, salaries tax and tax under personal assessment for 2019-2020 will be reduced by 100% for the 2019-20 financial year, capped at HKD 20,000
  • Business registration fees will be waived for 2020-21
  • Registration fee will be waived for company annual returns for 2 years
  • A concessionary low-interest loan of up to HKD 2 million will be provided to enterprises under the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme
  • Rates for non-domestic properties for 2020-21 will be waived up to a ceiling of HKD 5,000 per quarter in the first two quarters and a ceiling of HKD 1,500 per quarter in the remaining two quarters for each non-domestic property
  • Non-domestic electricity accounts will enjoy a 75% discount up to a ceiling of HKD 5,000 for four months
  • Sewage and water costs will be discounted by 75% up to a cap of HKD12,500 and HKD 20,000 respectively
  • Local recycling firms will see a rental subsidy for six months
  • Tenants of government properties, government land and EcoPark will see rent discounts of 50% (rent and fees for eligible operators of properties will be slashed by 50%)

The above relief measures are very welcomed and are expected to bring much support to Hong Kong’s start-up and SME community. However, as stated by Paul Chan during his budget speech, there is a need for Hong Kong to identify new sources of revenue in the medium term.

It is clear from the Hong Kong budget that the Hong Kong Government is putting increased focus on securing new sources of revenue by expanding on the city’s key business strengths – most notably, low tax rates and simple business registration procedure.

To encourage international businesses to utilize Hong Kong as a base of operations, business registration fees will be waived for the 2020-21 financial year while company registry fees will be waived for the next two years. International businesses looking to expand their scope of operations to Asia can capitalize on this initiative by incorporating a Hong Kong business at a much lower cost than what is considered standard.

To help safeguard jobs and support enterprises, Hong Kong businesses can enjoy a reduction of the profits tax rate by 100% for the 2019-20 financial year (subject to a cap of HKD 20,000). This waiver will help SME’s maximize their earnings, providing a much needed cushion of support.

Last year, Hong Kong businesses have unfortunately found themselves in unfavourable economic conditions. Many Hong Kong SME’s have suffered drops in revenue and have incurred unexpected expenditures. A reduction in tax rate will help ensure that these companies are able to continue their operations for the near-future.

Special 100% Loan Guarantee under the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme

Further supporting Hong Kong businesses, a concessionary low-interest loan of up to HKD 2 million will be provided to enterprises under the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme. SME’s can utilize this scheme to obtain increased financing from participating lenders to meet their business needs, enhance productivity and their competitiveness.

Participating lenders like HSBC have outlined their dedication to helping SME’s with their financing troubles through the provision of Business Installment Loans. What makes Business Installment Loans so attractive for SME’s, like those offered by HSBC is that they provide a variety of benefits. For instance, once a HSBC Business Installment Loan has been obtained, applicants will be able to enjoy the following loan terms:

  • Term loan facility up to HKD 2 million
  • Repayment period up to 3 years
  • Fixed monthly instalment amount
  • Interest rate 2.75 p.a.
  • No guarantee fees
  • Optional principal moratorium for the first 6 months

How Can FastLane Help?

The FastLane Group and its affiliate, FastLane CPA, are licensed Hong Kong CPA firms that have extensive experience in providing accounting, audit and Hong Kong tax services. We can provide assistance in preparing your profits and salary tax computation and filing so that you can benefit from your reduced tax obligations in this financial year.

We can also assist international parties who are looking to incorporate a company in Hong Kong and take advantage of the waivers of business registration fee and company annual return. FastLane is licensed with the Hong Kong Company Registry to provide corporate services in Hong Kong and can assist in all stages of your company incorporation.

FastLane has always emphasized our desire to assist Hong Kong’s start-up and SME community. We look at ourselves as business builders by providing a one-stop solution for all of our clients accounting and advisory needs.
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Here’s a checklist of all the matters you need to prepare for before you can enjoy everything this amazing city has to offer.
這是一篇舊文重發,寫於2019年1月。當時敲著鍵盤的我,從未想過5個月後,也就是2019年6月9號,香港迎來了「反送中」運動,黃絲們一路奮鬥至今。 僅將此文獻給所有勇敢的香港人。願眾人平安!
The Hong Kong We Knew 我們印象中的香港 何謂"香港一國兩制,50年不變"
Web design Agency Miracle Hong Kong understands the importance of a website design that works and converts your target audience into customers. We hav
2014/1/6–9 Event link It’s my first time to visit HK for toy exhibition, it’s well organized as they have done it many years. The first thing after a
在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
2019年至今呢兩年半入面,喺香港發生大大小小匪夷所思嘅事情,而家「香港」只係一個名,已經唔係以前嘅香港。我原本係一位中學教師,而家嚟到英國繼續開展喺香港一路做開嘅工作:人生教練。 我以往除咗幫個成人,亦為中學生做過人生教練。如果你或者你嘅仔女有需要,可以參考這個👉網頁👈 香港人加油!
這是春山出版社舉辦的講座,講者是吳叡人。 因為下班晚了,我也只能風塵僕僕地邊趕路邊聽。有很多內容被路上呼嘯而過的風聲蓋過。 他講香港,是怎麼逐漸形成一個民族認同。
“E-Visa” is exceptionally beneficial and convenient to applicants throughout the entire visa application process and simplifies the visa collection.
Here’s a checklist of all the matters you need to prepare for before you can enjoy everything this amazing city has to offer.
這是一篇舊文重發,寫於2019年1月。當時敲著鍵盤的我,從未想過5個月後,也就是2019年6月9號,香港迎來了「反送中」運動,黃絲們一路奮鬥至今。 僅將此文獻給所有勇敢的香港人。願眾人平安!
The Hong Kong We Knew 我們印象中的香港 何謂"香港一國兩制,50年不變"
Web design Agency Miracle Hong Kong understands the importance of a website design that works and converts your target audience into customers. We hav
2014/1/6–9 Event link It’s my first time to visit HK for toy exhibition, it’s well organized as they have done it many years. The first thing after a