FastLane Featured In HKICPA A Plus Magazine

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FastLane is honored to have contributed to HKICPAS December issue of A plus where we discuss if Hong Kong universities are doing enough to prepare accounting students”
Since our company formation, FastLane, a business advisory and practicing firm, has had a plethora of interns who are in the middle of their accounting degrees. We have noticed that although these individuals are passionate, talented and quick to learn, there is often a disconnect between the technical skills they learn in school and the practical skills an accountant generally applies in a professional setting.
Accounting is the language of business. As business is ever-changing, so are the standards and practice of accounting. Accounting education is also not static.
“Though university accounting education prepares them well with core technical skills, they lack other areas of knowledge such as a brand global business perspective.” – Nick Au, Project Executive of FastLane.
FastLane Group的沙龍 的其他內容
Statrys invited Nick Au from FastLane Group, a Hong Kong-based accounting firm servicing SMEs, to share his expert insights on the key considerations
The year ahead will undoubtedly involve a lot of change and uncertainty, but how can you prepare? Accountants and bookkeepers will need to closely tra
The concept of working from home has gained increasing amounts of attention over the past few years, especially with the recent spread of the Coronavi
On 26 February, Financial Secretary Paul Chan presented Hong Kong’s budget for 2020-21. The budget introduced one of the widest ranging Hong Kong budg
Since our company formation, FastLane, a business advisory and practicing firm, we have met and been very impressed by many young entrepreneurs, their
As mentioned in our previous blog, 4 Tips for Hong Kong Tax Filing and Statutory Audit, the audit and tax filing season can be a complicated process f
Statrys invited Nick Au from FastLane Group, a Hong Kong-based accounting firm servicing SMEs, to share his expert insights on the key considerations
The year ahead will undoubtedly involve a lot of change and uncertainty, but how can you prepare? Accountants and bookkeepers will need to closely tra
The concept of working from home has gained increasing amounts of attention over the past few years, especially with the recent spread of the Coronavi
On 26 February, Financial Secretary Paul Chan presented Hong Kong’s budget for 2020-21. The budget introduced one of the widest ranging Hong Kong budg
Since our company formation, FastLane, a business advisory and practicing firm, we have met and been very impressed by many young entrepreneurs, their
As mentioned in our previous blog, 4 Tips for Hong Kong Tax Filing and Statutory Audit, the audit and tax filing season can be a complicated process f
Google News 追蹤
在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
以前的年代,每家都是孩子一籮筐,個個都覺父母偏心,而且一定不是偏向自己,老大覺得自己什麼都得讓、老么覺得什麼都得揀大的用過的、排中間的更是懷疑自己是父母撿來的。 尤其是鞋子,小孩腳長得快,父母需要精打細算,一雙鞋需要改朝換代經歷多位主人才能功成身退。
你曾不曾注意過,你在使用google在搜尋的時候,會有一些字詞顯示在搜尋頁第一頁的最上面,為什麼他可以在搜索頁的最上面?這到底是什麼?竟然可以出現在搜尋結果頁上的最精華的版位!她到底有什麼通天的本事呢?今天就來好好地介紹她,喔對了她的名字叫做Featured snippets!! 什麼是Featur
自己對各行各業或是其他設計師的一天總是充滿好奇,不管是文章還是木曜的一日系列都覺得看完有更認識不一樣的工作方式,分享一下我大部分的一天吧! 通常我都會寫個週計畫和日計畫,條列式的把已知的待辦事項都寫下來,然後希望可以一一把他們完成,一天的開始絕對是開個MAIL收收信,之前有待過一間公司會有公關部門統
遇見育伶是我生命中最美的意外—王小花 今天想跟大家分享我跟育伶的大學生活,是她讓我體認到對於他們什麼是真正的平等?
  今天腦海裡一直在播放Linkin Park的In The End,英文奇差無比其實聽不懂歌詞內容,但是聽歌聲就覺得有一種無處可逃的絕望嘶吼感。   本來以為是今天還是要一個人獨挑大梁的上假日班而感到絕望,但是到後來卻感覺不是這麼一回事。
在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
以前的年代,每家都是孩子一籮筐,個個都覺父母偏心,而且一定不是偏向自己,老大覺得自己什麼都得讓、老么覺得什麼都得揀大的用過的、排中間的更是懷疑自己是父母撿來的。 尤其是鞋子,小孩腳長得快,父母需要精打細算,一雙鞋需要改朝換代經歷多位主人才能功成身退。
你曾不曾注意過,你在使用google在搜尋的時候,會有一些字詞顯示在搜尋頁第一頁的最上面,為什麼他可以在搜索頁的最上面?這到底是什麼?竟然可以出現在搜尋結果頁上的最精華的版位!她到底有什麼通天的本事呢?今天就來好好地介紹她,喔對了她的名字叫做Featured snippets!! 什麼是Featur
自己對各行各業或是其他設計師的一天總是充滿好奇,不管是文章還是木曜的一日系列都覺得看完有更認識不一樣的工作方式,分享一下我大部分的一天吧! 通常我都會寫個週計畫和日計畫,條列式的把已知的待辦事項都寫下來,然後希望可以一一把他們完成,一天的開始絕對是開個MAIL收收信,之前有待過一間公司會有公關部門統
遇見育伶是我生命中最美的意外—王小花 今天想跟大家分享我跟育伶的大學生活,是她讓我體認到對於他們什麼是真正的平等?
  今天腦海裡一直在播放Linkin Park的In The End,英文奇差無比其實聽不懂歌詞內容,但是聽歌聲就覺得有一種無處可逃的絕望嘶吼感。   本來以為是今天還是要一個人獨挑大梁的上假日班而感到絕望,但是到後來卻感覺不是這麼一回事。