FastLane Sparks Potential Talents in HKUST

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Recently, the FastLane Group had the privilege of attending the HKUST job fair in a sponsorship capacity. The event was a great opportunity to meet students and we were very excited about the optimism that many individuals displayed in exploring the next steps in starting their career.

Many students took the time and effort to ask us a variety of questions which ranged from those accounting/advisory related to general career advice. The proactiveness and inquisitiveness of these students clearly highlighted their aspirations and drive.
The FastLane Group has always cared about education – as evident by our Startup Academy series where we aim to help individuals on their entrepreneurial journey by providing practical and insightful advice. The job fair provided us with affirmation that to build better businesses, we must first provide support to those who are seeking to learn.
We at the FastLane Group are looking forward to participating in more student-related events in the future. The FastLane Group has future education events planned. Please stay tuned to our future events!

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