【Comment】It is only a matter of time Beijing defines East China Sea "Core Interests " of state. Something very serious and bad has happened inside the forbidden city though we yet learn what. Let me cite the Premier Chou En-lai's words on Japan in the talk with the President Nixon and Henry Kissinger on February 23, 1972.Chou said "But when they (that is Japan) reach a certain point they will cease listening to your words, and this development, if it goes in such a direction, will affect the security of the entire Pacific. Because of their tradition of militaristic thinking, this would be quite worrisome to some other people." It is Beijing now doing cease listening.中国政府、尖閣を「核心的国益」に…香港紙報道●讀賣(2010.10.02)【香港=槙野健】2日付香港英字紙サウスチャイナ・モーニングポストは、中国外交筋の話として、中国政府が今年に入り、尖閣諸島について、台湾、チベット問題と同じ「国家の核心的利益」にかかわる問題として扱い始めたと報じた。
(2010年10月2日22時34分 読売新聞)
Diaoyus row marks shift in Beijing's diplomatic posture
Growing power emboldens China to be more aggressive
Cary Huang in BeijingOct 02, 2010
First there was Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang and then the South China Sea. Now the Diaoyu Islands have become the latest addition to China's "core interests" when it comes to territorial integrity....