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"What words can encourage you?" Affirm me, believe in me, and praise me.

有塵嵌憶 的其他內容
2023 "What kind of words do you want to use to influence others?" Before criticizing others, ask yourself how well you are doing? When leaving comment
2023 "What is something that only you understand and want to share?" It's not necessarily something that only I understand. I practice answering "One
2023 "How to achieve mutual understanding?" Avoid dismissing the other person's perspective, and don't compromise yourself solely to accommodate the o
2023 "What talent do you want to unleash?" I want to unleash my talent for daydreaming, haha~
2023 "What unique goal do you want to pursue?" This year, passing the civil service examination, not only to fulfill responsibilities to my family but
2023 "What do you want to learn next?" Learn to focus on the content of learning, not worrying about exam results. The closer the exam day, the more i
2023 "What kind of words do you want to use to influence others?" Before criticizing others, ask yourself how well you are doing? When leaving comment
2023 "What is something that only you understand and want to share?" It's not necessarily something that only I understand. I practice answering "One
2023 "How to achieve mutual understanding?" Avoid dismissing the other person's perspective, and don't compromise yourself solely to accommodate the o
2023 "What talent do you want to unleash?" I want to unleash my talent for daydreaming, haha~
2023 "What unique goal do you want to pursue?" This year, passing the civil service examination, not only to fulfill responsibilities to my family but
2023 "What do you want to learn next?" Learn to focus on the content of learning, not worrying about exam results. The closer the exam day, the more i
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#誠實書寫練習 #Day159 #謝謝有你 太多的感動 有你的日常 貼心的溫暖 最初的勇氣 讓每件事都值得紀念 剛剛好的關係 謝謝讓我的心變的更柔軟 寫於20240607(週五)
#誠實書寫練習 #Day83 「放手讓自己時間排滿美好的事物,好奇心與充實感的滿足,會提醒自己對於生活仍能懷抱的期待和熱愛。 」 兩年前寫下的心情,至今仍是有餘裕回頭思考自己想要怎樣的生活,也才能再讓自己維持成長的量能。 寫於20240323(週六)
#誠實書寫練習 #Day159 #謝謝有你 太多的感動 有你的日常 貼心的溫暖 最初的勇氣 讓每件事都值得紀念 剛剛好的關係 謝謝讓我的心變的更柔軟 寫於20240607(週五)
#誠實書寫練習 #Day83 「放手讓自己時間排滿美好的事物,好奇心與充實感的滿足,會提醒自己對於生活仍能懷抱的期待和熱愛。 」 兩年前寫下的心情,至今仍是有餘裕回頭思考自己想要怎樣的生活,也才能再讓自己維持成長的量能。 寫於20240323(週六)