時隔34年,B-52降落橫田 B-52 in Yokota since 1989

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【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
On July 12, a B-52 Stratofortress landed at Yokota AFB, Japan, at 10:22 a.m. The last time a B-52 had landed at Yokota was in 1989 during the Japanese-American Friendship Festival.
Coincidentally, on the same day, North Korea (PRK) launched an ICBM that flew for a record-breaking 74 minutes. The Japanese Ministry of Defense estimated that this missile fell into the Sea of Japan, approximately 250 kilometers west of Oshidori Island in Hokkaido, Japan, in the outer waters of Japan's exclusive economic zone, at around 11:13 a.m.
The Ministry estimated the flight distance of this missile to be approximately 1,000 kilometers, with a maximum altitude exceeding 6,000 kilometers. It is believed to have been launched using a "lofted trajectory," which involves a higher launch angle than the typical trajectory and could potentially reach the entire US mainland.
Later that same day, Japan signed an agreement as a member of AP4 with NATO.
What a busy day it was!

美軍B-52因機體維護 罕見降落日本橫田基地    中央社 20230712



橫田基地表示,這架B-52已安全降落。該機隸屬美國中西部北達科他州邁諾特空軍基地(Minot AFB),研判有可能執行對北韓的警戒任務。

日本電視台(Nippon TV)報導,相關人士表示,這架B-52搭載8具發動機,其中右側機翼上的1具疑似在飛行途中發生問題。B-52飛抵位於日本的美軍基地相當罕見。


B-52 Stratofortress Lands at Yokota    Yokota Air Base 20230711

We can confirm that a U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortress diverted to Yokota AB, Japan, due to an in-flight maintenance issue. The aircraft landed at Yokota at 10:22 a.m. JST. It landed safely and without incident. The B-52 is assigned to the 5th Bomb Wing, Minot AFB, North Dakota.



Air Force B-52 bomber makes rare landing in Tokyo due to maintenance issue    Dayton Dayly News 20230712

YOKOTA AIR BASE, Japan — A B-52 Stratofortress bomber diverted to the home of U.S. Forces Japan in western Tokyo on Wednesday morning due to an in-flight maintenance issue.

The aircraft, assigned to the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., arrived at Yokota at 10:22 a.m., according to an 11:06 a.m. post on the base’s website.

“It landed safely and without incident,” the post states.

The B-52 was in the Indo-Pacific supporting a training exercise, a Pacific Air Forces spokesman, Maj. Christopher Merian, told Stars and Stripes by email that afternoon. PACAF records show the last time a B-52 landed at Yokota was in 1989 during the Japanese-American Friendship Festival, he added.

The Yokota incident occurred a week after B-52s arrived at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, as part of the Air Force’s ongoing bomber task force missions intended to project U.S. air power in the region. Those planes are assigned to the 20th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron at Barksdale Air Force Base, La., PACAF said in a news release Tuesday.

Four B-52s and 210 airmen deployed to Guam for a bomber task force mission in April. The Air Force didn’t immediately respond to emailed questions about how many bombers or airmen are involved in the latest mission.

“The Bomber Task Force is designed to enhance the high-end readiness of the bomber force while also advancing our interoperability with Allies and partners,” Lt. Col. Jared Patterson, the bomb squadron’s commander, said in the release. “Each mission flown further demonstrates our ability to provide agile combat ready forces and long-range strike capabilities to combatant commanders across the globe.”

The B-52s on Guam will train while integrating alongside allies and partners throughout the region, the release said.

“From those maintaining or flying these bombers to those behind the scenes enabling the mission, our ability to credibly assure Allies and deter adversaries requires every Airman out here,” Patterson said.

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    我回到日本一個月,從2022年10月1日到11月1日。今天是我在日本的最後一天。我見到了我想見到的人,我再一次為在這個時候回來而感到非常高興。 我想要寫下這段美好的經歷,所以我在寫一下。最後附上了日本的照片,如果你想的話看一下。 想回日本的原因 有幾個小的觸發點讓我想到了回日本,但僅在2022年的前
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    Hi 大家好,我是Ethan😊 相近大家都知道保濕是皮膚保養中最基本,也是最重要的一步。無論是在畫室裡長時間對著畫布,還是在旅途中面對各種氣候變化,保持皮膚的水分平衡對我來說至關重要。保濕化妝水不僅能迅速為皮膚補水,還能提升後續保養品的吸收效率。 曾經,我的保養程序簡單到只包括清潔和隨意上乳液
    Hi there,搖滾天后 Avril Lavigne 在今年2月時發行了最新專輯《Love Sux》(2022),並且在11月底時發行了豪華版專輯,其中收錄了3首不插電版本歌曲及3首新歌,總共多了6首歌在裡頭。不插電版本是三首主打歌〈Bite Me〉(2021)、〈Love It When
    我回到日本一個月,從2022年10月1日到11月1日。今天是我在日本的最後一天。我見到了我想見到的人,我再一次為在這個時候回來而感到非常高興。 我想要寫下這段美好的經歷,所以我在寫一下。最後附上了日本的照片,如果你想的話看一下。 想回日本的原因 有幾個小的觸發點讓我想到了回日本,但僅在2022年的前
    上週五跟著 IB 同事,到民生社區拜訪一間跟我頗有緣分的新創公司,做線上課程平台的 HH。 2015 年 5 月的時候,因緣際會跟大學好友閒聊,她問我說有沒有興趣一起到一位她在北歐交換時認識的一個朋友家裡坐坐。
    時隔多年再訪陶板屋,菜單早就變很多啦! 熊饕鵝饕4星級美味認證~🌟🌟🌟🌟
    顧客聽到價格時是什麼反應? ​有108種反應​ 血型、星座不同,反應就不同​,不是絶對,卻是可以參考的反應​。 ​血型、星座不同,反應就不同​ O型的客人對價格較無感 ​只要有人說很好、很棒就會想買。​一到月初就會花錢,是銷售員很喜歡的好客人。​ A型的客人對價格較敏感 會先收集好資訊
    ​ 車輪餅不知道陪伴多少人成長記憶,相信只要是跟小編同個時代成長的人一定記得小時候一個車輪餅只要五元。這次小編要來介紹隱藏版的佛心價格的車輪餅,一個只要五元,這個車輪餅沒有店家;也沒有豪華的裝潢;只有一個小攤販的推車,地點在華南銀行總行騎樓下的無名車輪餅。 二個十元車輪餅 ​ 現在一個車輪餅幾乎