猜猜我是誰 (鳥類)

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How It Looks:

It has a long black bill that's flat and wide at the end, looking like a spoon's tip.

Most of its feathers are white, and it also has a black bill and reddish-yellow feathers behind its head.


Where It Lives:

This bird moves around coastal places in East Asia.

It gathers with other birds, some big and some small, to find food along the coast, in places where rivers meet the sea, and on wet lands.

Sometimes, it searches for food near fish farms.

It spends time in Southern Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Vietnam from October to March. When spring comes, it goes back to islands near North Korea to have babies.

Scientists say it goes from Fujian, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu in China all the way to Korea for its travels.


What It Eats:

This bird mostly eats small fish, shrimp, and conch.

 外觀: 它有一個長長的黑色,喙的末端寬而扁,看起來像湯匙的尖端。 它的大部分羽毛是白色的,還有黑色的喙和頭部後面的黃色羽毛。

生活環境: 這種鳥在東亞沿海地區移動。 它聚集在其他一些大鳥和小鳥一起,在海岸線上,河流注入海洋的地方以及濕地上覓食。 有時候,它在魚塘附近覓食。 從十月到三月,它在台灣南部、香港和越南度過時間。當春天來臨時,它回到北韓附近的島嶼孵化幼鳥。 科學家表示,它的活動範圍從中國的福建、浙江和江蘇一直延伸到韓國。

食物習性: 這種鳥主要食用小魚、蝦和


Black-faced Spoonbill 黑面琵鷺



Definition (定義):

  • English: In ornithology (the study of birds), a "bill" refers to the beak or the mouthparts of a bird. A bird's bill serves various functions, including eating, preening feathers, and sometimes even as a tool for building nests.
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 在鳥類學(研究鳥類的學科)中,"喙" 指的是鳥的嘴巴或嘴部結構。鳥的喙具有各種功能,包括進食、理毛、有時甚至用作建巢的工具。

Related Terms (相關術語):

  • English: Beak, mouthparts, avian anatomy, bird features
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 喙,嘴巴部分,鳥類解剖,鳥的特徵

Example Sentences (例句):

  1. English: The toucan's bill is long and colorful, allowing it to reach and feed on fruits high in the trees. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 岡比亞鴷的嘴巴又長又多彩,使其能夠達到並進食樹上的高果實。
  2. English: Birds of prey often have sharp bills for tearing apart their prey. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 猛禽通常擁有銳利的喙,用於撕裂獵物。
  3. English: The hummingbird's bill is adapted for sipping nectar from flowers. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 蜂鳥的喙適應了從花中吸食花蜜。


Definition (定義):

  • English: "Reddish" is an adjective used to describe something that has a tint or shade of red in its color. It indicates that the object or substance is somewhat red but may not be a deep or vibrant red.
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "微紅的",是一個形容詞,用來描述某物在顏色上具有紅色的色調或陰影。它表示該物體或物質在一定程度上是紅色的,但可能不是深紅或鮮豔的紅色。

Related Terms (相關詞語):

  • English: Red, rosy, crimson, pinkish, maroon
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 紅色,玫瑰紅,深紅,略帶粉紅的,栗色

Example Sentences (例句):

  1. English: The sky turned reddish as the sun began to set. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 太陽開始下山時,天空變成微紅色。
  2. English: She had a reddish tint to her hair, giving it a unique and attractive look. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 她的頭髮帶有微紅色調,賦予了它一種獨特和迷人的外觀。
  3. English: The leaves on the trees in autumn can turn various shades of reddish and orange. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 秋天樹上的葉子可以變成各種微紅和橙色的陰影。


Definition (定義):

English: "Coastal" is an adjective that pertains to or is related to the coast, which is the area where land meets the sea or ocean. It is often used to describe things or places located near or along the coast.

Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "沿海的",是一個形容詞,指的是與海岸相關的事物或地方,海岸是陸地與海洋相接的地區。它通常用來描述位於或沿著海岸的事物或地方。

Related Terms (相關詞語):

English: Seaside, shoreline, coastal region, beach, oceanfront

Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 海邊,海岸線,沿海地區,沙灘,海濱

Example Sentences (例句):

English: The coastal town is known for its beautiful beaches and seafood restaurants.

Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 這個沿海小鎮以其美麗的海灘和海鮮餐廳而聞名。

English: Coastal erosion is a significant environmental issue in many regions, leading to the loss of land along the coast.

Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 沿海侵蝕是許多地區的一個重要環境問題,導致海岸線上的土地損失。

English: They took a relaxing vacation at a coastal resort, enjoying the sound of the waves and the salty sea breeze.

Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 他們在一個沿海度假勝地度過了一個輕鬆的假期,享受著海浪聲和鹹鹹的海風。


Definition (定義):

  • English: A type of marine mollusk with a spiral shell.
    • Traditional Chinese: 一種帶螺旋殼的海洋軟體動物。

Word Root (字根):

  • English: The word "conch" originates from the Latin word "concha," meaning shell or mollusk.
    • Traditional Chinese: 「Conch」一詞源於拉丁詞「concha」,意為貝殼或軟體動物。

Related Words (相關詞語):

  • English: Mollusk, shell, marine, sea snail.
    • Traditional Chinese: 軟體動物、貝殼、海洋、海螺。

Collocations (搭配詞):

  • English: Conch shell, conch fritters, conch salad.
    • Traditional Chinese: 螺殼、螺肉餅、螺肉沙拉。

Example Sentences (例句):

  1. English: She collected a variety of beautiful conch shells on the beach.
    • Traditional Chinese: 她在沙灘上收集了各種美麗的螺殼。
  2. English: Conch meat is a delicacy in many Caribbean cuisines.
    • Traditional Chinese: 螺肉是許多加勒比海美食中的一道佳餚。
  3. English: The conch's spiral shell is a natural work of art.
    • Traditional Chinese: 螺殼的螺旋形外殼是自然的藝術品。
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