TAIPEI GaySpa review MASTER SPA 狄倫

閱讀時間約 9 分鐘

Store house: MASTER spa


Shifu: Dylan


Shifu Kokoba Kakuiro (1/0/Fubun/Shirando): Fubun


Outlook (0-10):8 lovly eyes and skin of the little dog.


Body material (0-10): 8 Shoulder bulge, chest skin clear and thick, close-up triangular body material


Dictionary (0-10): 8 A mixed school with physical conditioning skills


Oil bottle (0-10): 8 added exercise massage ingredient oil bottle


Combining degree (0-10): 9 A different man's voice is heard, and I am happy.


Male friend power (0-10): 8 A warm-hearted man with a unique personality.


Environment (0-10): 10 Near Zhongxiao Dunhua, convenient transportation, Fusama Shinmata Inuikan



Short review:



I am a self-centered comrade, but I am a true lover of heterosexual movement men, and I am a lawless resistance who is practicing movement, but I am a post-movement type of person, and I am a big sensual person.


My basic needs are completely satisfied with my first vision. The skin is white and dry, the face and voice of a different man, the writing of the movement style, and the sunlight and age of the movement members.



It is a period of training for the exercise, and the secretion of the secretion is achieved by the lonely eyes, and the massage technique of the home and business must be respected.



Massage is a biased style of massaging, and the muscles, shoulders, bladder, back, and buttocks all acquire effective promiscuity. Other than that, I highly recommend it to anyone who has access to the capital, and I highly recommend it.


During the course of the process, you can stand still and listen to the news, but you are afraid of the company. As a result, you are the main mover and listener, and when you talk about it, you are not different from the enemy.


Abura's techniques are combined with massage techniques, which are compared to the gentle force of Michinoshita.



As a result, I was able to give you a massage, and the important points were returned?!


Here it comes!!



The material of the body is pure, the wired condition is completely complete, the material is like that of a Korean activist, the skin is white, the person is old, the lecture is a new story, the belly skin is also clear, the person is lawless, and the person is lawless! .


Although he was highly skilled in his work, he did not make any mistakes in the music section of the music department. Because he has returned from harm, he is a self-centered Japanese GV man.


It is a common man's friendship, about 13-14 years old, and the roughness is moderate. After I attacked and moved up and down at the same time, I was able to end my life and not be able to suppress my inner body and have a strong stimulation.


While I was in an unimpeded embrace, the asthmatic voice reached the top of the sky, the exposure in the sky was in the middle of ambiguous sadness, and the next pleasure was united.



After an intense passion, I quickly picked up the book, and then I went to the bathroom, washed it with essential oils, and then took it to the bathroom with a deep embrace, and then I left with a smile on my face.



Comparatively, I have been in the SPA industry for many years, and I am an old master in the oil industry, and I personally make a lot of efforts to recognize the true nature of the species and make efforts to improve the small fresh meat.

官方LINE: @768itseb







(Welcome to sponsor us through the VOCUS. You can fill in the invoice information with any name you prefer,歡迎透過方格子贊助我們,發票資訊姓名隨意填寫)











沒經驗的朋友,建議大家先把 "新手小白區"先看過,然後訂閱"台灣同志按摩-分享區" 看看其他朋友的按摩小說。 有興趣的師傅,會建議先看各專輯裡面的小說, 雖然我們這邊贊助才能看,不過一次按摩詐騙動則3000起跳,這投資成本不高,相對保險。 等累積足夠經驗,分享三篇文章,就可以進去許願池無限暢讀文章
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Store:warm-spa BY Haruko Master: Arthur Master's role in this scene: MAN TOP Appearance (0-10): 8 (I compare the photos to be good-looking and masc
店舗名: WARM SPA by 晴子 セラピスト: アーサー アーサーの担当役割: マン・トップ ルックス (0-10): 8(写真よりも魅力的で男らしい。武器は18/5寸です) 体型 (0-10): 7(スポーツマンタイプの体) 指圧の技術 (0-10): 9(彼らの店ではANDYの弟
Store: Warm Spa BY prefer heterosexual look Master: Kenny Master's role in this scene: 1 Appearance (0-10): 9, dark figure, athletic body Body (0-
ストア: Warm Spa BY 異性愛者の外観を好む マスター:ケニー このシーンにおけるマスターの役割: 1 外観 (0-10): 9、暗い体型、アスリート体型 ボディ (0-10): 7 晴れた、運動体型 指圧 (0-10):9 アンディと一緒にトレーニングを受け、マッサージ証明書を
店家:Warm Spa  BY 偏好異男樣 師傅: 肯尼 師傅此場角色:1 顏值(0-10): 9 黝黑身材運動鮮肉 身材(0-10): 7 充滿陽光的運動身材 指壓(0-10):9 師承Andy,有按摩證照 油壓(0-10):8 超愛 配合度(0-1
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11/20日NVDA即將公布最新一期的財報, 今天Sell Side的分析師, 開始調高目標價, 市場的股價也開始反應, 未來一週NVDA將重新回到美股市場的焦點, 今天我們要分析NVDA Sell Side怎麼看待這次NVDA的財報預測, 以及實際上Buy Side的倉位及操作, 從
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📷📷​ 📷📷​ VANA TAIPEI 位在捷運忠孝敦化 步行約三分鐘的距離 門口看起來極低調 門一推開別有洞天~ 📷📷​ 夢幻鞦韆椅搭配旁邊浪漫造景 超適合網美來這拍照打卡~ 📷📷​ 這區最具濃厚的波希米亞風格 躺臥在這邊抽水煙超Chill 📷📷​ 📷📷​ 📷📷​
記得 5/15 三級警戒開始的時候,我的嘴巴裡還有拔智齒留下的大洞!傷口縫合還沒拆線,診所無預警停診,留我腫脹的牙齦和空空的藥袋不知所措⋯⋯ 三級警戒滿兩個月,這是我的封城生活:
不論是 Sina、Cina 或 China 都可能精確地橋接於漢字「台灣」或「臺灣」。難道,當年秦代末世率領三千童男童女出海尋求仙藥的徐福其實第一站是到了「日本」,第二站則是到了「台灣」?爲何「台灣」在古代又稱爲「琉球」或「琉求」,是否也和徐福「求藥」的旅程有關呢?這也許是歷史中的一大謎團!....
跨越這兩個城市,八十四公里的距離。起訖:新竹-台北。 說遠嗎?用場電影消磨去的時光,也許是哭、也許是笑,或是誰的人生縮影,待一回神,便身處在另外一座城了。 說近呢?一旦陰鬱潮溼的氣候啟動內心的多愁善感模式,即便是高鐵疾駛二十分鐘的距離,也像是天涯海角般的遠不可及。 手裡握著被撕去一角的單程車票根,看
轉移自 LogDown 原文日期  July 30, 2014 19:36  Gogo Monkey Run Kevin, Gogolook monkey runner     - auto-testing tool     - python monkey recorder     - co
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
11/20日NVDA即將公布最新一期的財報, 今天Sell Side的分析師, 開始調高目標價, 市場的股價也開始反應, 未來一週NVDA將重新回到美股市場的焦點, 今天我們要分析NVDA Sell Side怎麼看待這次NVDA的財報預測, 以及實際上Buy Side的倉位及操作, 從
Hi 大家好,我是Ethan😊 相近大家都知道保濕是皮膚保養中最基本,也是最重要的一步。無論是在畫室裡長時間對著畫布,還是在旅途中面對各種氣候變化,保持皮膚的水分平衡對我來說至關重要。保濕化妝水不僅能迅速為皮膚補水,還能提升後續保養品的吸收效率。 曾經,我的保養程序簡單到只包括清潔和隨意上乳液
十月底的時候  在世貿一館  有一場 2022 FinTech Taipei台北金融科技展。 眾多參與的銀行(包含公營、民營)及相關金融單位紛紛拿出壓箱寶來吸引民眾的目光,並推出許多互動遊戲闖關拿精美小贈品等活動,想說可以來跟大家分享一下。 分成三大區塊: 銀行、學校、企業,那我下面內容就分成三小塊
📷📷​ 📷📷​ VANA TAIPEI 位在捷運忠孝敦化 步行約三分鐘的距離 門口看起來極低調 門一推開別有洞天~ 📷📷​ 夢幻鞦韆椅搭配旁邊浪漫造景 超適合網美來這拍照打卡~ 📷📷​ 這區最具濃厚的波希米亞風格 躺臥在這邊抽水煙超Chill 📷📷​ 📷📷​ 📷📷​
記得 5/15 三級警戒開始的時候,我的嘴巴裡還有拔智齒留下的大洞!傷口縫合還沒拆線,診所無預警停診,留我腫脹的牙齦和空空的藥袋不知所措⋯⋯ 三級警戒滿兩個月,這是我的封城生活:
不論是 Sina、Cina 或 China 都可能精確地橋接於漢字「台灣」或「臺灣」。難道,當年秦代末世率領三千童男童女出海尋求仙藥的徐福其實第一站是到了「日本」,第二站則是到了「台灣」?爲何「台灣」在古代又稱爲「琉球」或「琉求」,是否也和徐福「求藥」的旅程有關呢?這也許是歷史中的一大謎團!....
跨越這兩個城市,八十四公里的距離。起訖:新竹-台北。 說遠嗎?用場電影消磨去的時光,也許是哭、也許是笑,或是誰的人生縮影,待一回神,便身處在另外一座城了。 說近呢?一旦陰鬱潮溼的氣候啟動內心的多愁善感模式,即便是高鐵疾駛二十分鐘的距離,也像是天涯海角般的遠不可及。 手裡握著被撕去一角的單程車票根,看
轉移自 LogDown 原文日期  July 30, 2014 19:36  Gogo Monkey Run Kevin, Gogolook monkey runner     - auto-testing tool     - python monkey recorder     - co