TAIPEI GaySpa review MASTER SPA 狄倫

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Store house: MASTER spa


Shifu: Dylan


Shifu Kokoba Kakuiro (1/0/Fubun/Shirando): Fubun


Outlook (0-10):8 lovly eyes and skin of the little dog.


Body material (0-10): 8 Shoulder bulge, chest skin clear and thick, close-up triangular body material


Dictionary (0-10): 8 A mixed school with physical conditioning skills


Oil bottle (0-10): 8 added exercise massage ingredient oil bottle


Combining degree (0-10): 9 A different man's voice is heard, and I am happy.


Male friend power (0-10): 8 A warm-hearted man with a unique personality.


Environment (0-10): 10 Near Zhongxiao Dunhua, convenient transportation, Fusama Shinmata Inuikan



Short review:



I am a self-centered comrade, but I am a true lover of heterosexual movement men, and I am a lawless resistance who is practicing movement, but I am a post-movement type of person, and I am a big sensual person.


My basic needs are completely satisfied with my first vision. The skin is white and dry, the face and voice of a different man, the writing of the movement style, and the sunlight and age of the movement members.



It is a period of training for the exercise, and the secretion of the secretion is achieved by the lonely eyes, and the massage technique of the home and business must be respected.



Massage is a biased style of massaging, and the muscles, shoulders, bladder, back, and buttocks all acquire effective promiscuity. Other than that, I highly recommend it to anyone who has access to the capital, and I highly recommend it.


During the course of the process, you can stand still and listen to the news, but you are afraid of the company. As a result, you are the main mover and listener, and when you talk about it, you are not different from the enemy.


Abura's techniques are combined with massage techniques, which are compared to the gentle force of Michinoshita.



As a result, I was able to give you a massage, and the important points were returned?!


Here it comes!!



The material of the body is pure, the wired condition is completely complete, the material is like that of a Korean activist, the skin is white, the person is old, the lecture is a new story, the belly skin is also clear, the person is lawless, and the person is lawless! .


Although he was highly skilled in his work, he did not make any mistakes in the music section of the music department. Because he has returned from harm, he is a self-centered Japanese GV man.


It is a common man's friendship, about 13-14 years old, and the roughness is moderate. After I attacked and moved up and down at the same time, I was able to end my life and not be able to suppress my inner body and have a strong stimulation.


While I was in an unimpeded embrace, the asthmatic voice reached the top of the sky, the exposure in the sky was in the middle of ambiguous sadness, and the next pleasure was united.



After an intense passion, I quickly picked up the book, and then I went to the bathroom, washed it with essential oils, and then took it to the bathroom with a deep embrace, and then I left with a smile on my face.



Comparatively, I have been in the SPA industry for many years, and I am an old master in the oil industry, and I personally make a lot of efforts to recognize the true nature of the species and make efforts to improve the small fresh meat.

官方LINE: @768itseb







(Welcome to sponsor us through the VOCUS. You can fill in the invoice information with any name you prefer,歡迎透過方格子贊助我們,發票資訊姓名隨意填寫)











沒經驗的朋友,建議大家先把 "新手小白區"先看過,然後訂閱"台灣同志按摩-分享區" 看看其他朋友的按摩小說。 有興趣的師傅,會建議先看各專輯裡面的小說, 雖然我們這邊贊助才能看,不過一次按摩詐騙動則3000起跳,這投資成本不高,相對保險。 等累積足夠經驗,分享三篇文章,就可以進去許願池無限暢讀文章

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店家:warm-spa   BY  晴子 師傅:亞瑟 師傅此場角色: MAN TOP 顏值(0-10):8(本人比較照片好看又陽剛 搭配18/5 武器),。 身材(0-10):7(基本運動型異男的身材) 指壓(0-10):9(他們家都是ANDY的徒弟) 油壓(0-10):8(有證照)
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店家:Warm Spa  BY 偏好異男樣 師傅: 肯尼 師傅此場角色:1 顏值(0-10): 9 黝黑身材運動鮮肉 身材(0-10): 7 充滿陽光的運動身材 指壓(0-10):9 師承Andy,有按摩證照 油壓(0-10):8 超愛 配合度(0-1
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