
2024/01/06閱讀時間約 17 分鐘


Ladies, you gotta have a few good buddies.

I'm a girl, but I've always hung out with guys since I was a kid. I guess I just vibe better with them. Maybe it's because I grew up learning Taekwondo, Yang-style Tai Chi, and playing basketball.

My childhood anime was 'Dragon Ball,' and I was into the chaos of puppetry shows. As I got older, I picked up Baji Quan, Baguazhang, Judo, Aikido, Miao Dao, spear, and katana. I was watching stuff like 'Fighting Spirit,' 'Baki,' and 'Kenichi:The Mightiest Disciple.'

You can probably tell I don't click with most girls. The girls around me are all about chasing stars and watching soap operas, which is like another language to me.

Whether it's sports or martial arts, injuries are just part of the deal.

My ride-or-die friends from way back? Mostly guys, the 'bros' and 'good buddies.' Girls just can't take a hit. For me, having female friends around is not very practical—I'm a practical person.

My guy friends can handle a beating, lend a hand financially, and lift me up when I'm down. Good buddies are essential for this ride called life!

So, ladies, you gotta have a few good buddies.

In my sophomore year

Fast forward to my second year:

"Hey, it's me. End of the month, and I'm short on cash. Can I borrow two grand? I'll pay you back next month," I hit up my buddy.

"What? Broke again? What's the deal this time? Running out of cash for dates?" my buddy A teased.

"Why the 20 questions? You lending or not? I've always paid up; I've got good credit," I shot back.

"Alright, alright. I got you. Hustle up, get that cash flow," my buddy A advised.

Sparring time

"Whoa! Almost broke your hand just now!" I blurted out.

"Nah, it's cool. I threw some punches too. Your stomach holding up?" my buddy B checked in.

"All good; I can take a hit," I reassured.

"What if I actually broke your hand? What would you do?" I quizzed.

"Come on, if my hand's broken, convenience store gig might be off the table," my buddy B casually joked.

"Would you be pissed?" I asked.

"Nah! Why get mad? Accidents happen in sparring. I'd probably hit you up for a month's salary though. Got bills to pay," my buddy B shared.

"Just like that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, it's not like you meant to. No need to make a big deal out of it," my buddy B shrugged.

Alright, breaking a hand is small beans for my buddies. Seems like they're all pretty laid-back.

Buddy wisdom

I got this buddy C, not the best-looking dude, grades not stellar, but he's the Casanova of changing girlfriends.

One day, I asked him: "Hey, how do you manage to score dates?" "Gotta have a sense of humor. You, on the other hand, don't crack a joke, turn red around girls. Pretty useless," my buddy C threw some shade my way.

"Hey, don't roast me. Advice or not?" I got a bit annoyed.

"OK," he said.

"So, first, just be normal and make friends. If you think she's into you, pull some moves," my buddy C got serious all of a sudden.

"What moves?" I asked.

For example

Like, check if there's a girl across with long hair. If she turns around, and we both agree she's hot, I'll treat you to a movie. If one of us thinks she's hot, you treat me.

"I don't think she's hot," I squinted.

Haha. "See, now you got a date," my buddy C grinned.

Took me a sec to get it.

"Ah!" I yelled.

OK, I see.

"No matter win or lose, I'm getting what I want," my buddy C said.

"Haha, regardless, we're catching a movie. That's a date with a hottie," he said.

Bro life tales

Once, my buddy C and I were chatting while drinking beverages.

He drops this bomb: "Yo, you know, last time I hit the nightclub? Pathetic."

"How so? Nightclubs are fun; what's pathetic about that?" I asked, cool as a cucumber.

"Just think about the nightclub lighting," he pouted, trying to be cute.

"Ugh, stop it. Gross," I said.

"Well, just know I'm not a pretty girl; you're such a looks snob," my buddy C sighed.

"Get to the point," I rolled my eyes.

"So, I thought the girl at the club looked smoking, took her to a hotel room," my buddy C spilled.

"And then?" I kept my cool.

"Once we got to the hotel, the lighting was normal white, not that dim club vibe," he explained.

"Get to the point," I pressed.

"Then, I realized she wasn't that attractive. Kinda ugly," my buddy C admitted.

"Then?" I probed.

"Well..." "I didn't really want to have sex with her; I didn't think I could," my buddy C confessed.

"But, we'd already showered. So, I was thinking..."


"Polite finish and bail?" he said.

Haha. I burst out laughing for like 10 minutes.

So, now you gotta be "polite"?????

Nah, haha. Too Silly, seriously.

Silly human = my buddy C."




可想而知,我和大部分女生聊不來,我周遭的女生大部分在追明星、看什麼連續劇,我完全不懂 = =!




我周圍的女生真的不耐揍,可能對我來說,和周遭女生當朋友的實用度較低吧!(我這個人挺現實的) 我的哥們通常挺耐扁的,抗打擊力槓槓的!而且很好用,不管是肉體上(和我對練、被我揍)、金錢上(周轉一下、借我錢)、精神上(不開心了就叫兄弟出來喝一杯飲料、或叫兄弟們上擂台被我揍),智慧上(世事洞明皆學問、和好兄弟學習把妹訣竅),好兄弟可說是人生中必不可少的存在!




「啥? 你又沒錢,這次是怎樣?把妹沒錢喔? 」我兄弟A說道
























「我覺得應該不正吧。」我瞇著眼睛 觀察後說


「你看,這樣不是就約到了嗎」兄弟C 得意的笑笑說道


















「然後我覺得那個妹,一點都不正。長的挺醜的」兄弟C 委屈的說












蝦蝦人類 =我兄弟C




