TAIPEI GaySpa review WARM SPA Danny

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Store owner: warm spa by after the epidemic


Master: Danny


Master’s role in this scene (1/0/no distinction/don’t know): TOP Himself BOTH


Appearance (0-10): 9 Clean, elegant and handsome


Figure (0-10): 8 Comfortable to hold during exercise


Shiatsu (0-10):9 Don’t worry about their master’s skills


Oil pressure (0-10): 9 The contrast is huge and the excitement is off the charts


Cooperation degree (0-10):9 Cute little puppy


Boyfriend power (0-10): 9 caring TOP


Environment (0-10): 9 The suite is large and spacious, the massage bed is new, the bathroom is well lit and not humid.



Gay massages are full of people who are in good shape and think they are at the top of the food chain, but time is cruel, and a good service attitude can last long in this circle.


Danny has the kind of personality that will make him a worthy player in this industry, and the point is, he also has amazing weapons.


The master who came to greet him was Danny himself. He looked better in person than in the photos. His clean face and his hearty smile really made people happy. I think he had a beard in the photo on his official website because he wanted to look more mature. I really smell like milk.


After taking a shower and drying my body, the first stage of acupressure began. He will kindly and seriously ask you if the strength is okay, and will also chat naturally. However, after realizing that I am resting, he will quickly calm down and massage seriously.


After entering the oil pressure, it was summer after all. Danny was very powerful and directly removed the last layer of restraints. The most exciting stage at the beginning was when I heard Danny say that WARM SPA uses imported massage oil, so it would be more difficult to wait. Wash it off, and you don’t have to worry about it being bad for your health if you accidentally eat it. (Is this a thoughtful reminder or a sentimental hint?!)


When doing Thai style, you can feel Danny's thick chest muscles and thick body (can you describe it as thick?!)


When you put your back against it, you can actually feel that it is a beast waiting for an opportunity in the valley. After turning it over, you realize that it is really the level of a giant python. If you don't relax and breathe well, you will definitely get injured. Thick, or so thick that your jaw would dislocate.


Of course, Danny is a considerate and good man. He will invade slowly step by step, with various diversionary teases. He looks up at a cute little puppy, but he has extremely destructive weapons. This kind of contrast No wonder it has become a topic of discussion.


During the process, Danny's boyfriend is really powerful. He will pay attention to your posture from time to time to see if your body is uncomfortable, or he will rest your head with his hand, or help you with pillows. The best thing is the state of interlocking your fingers. It was truly a massage full of love.


After it was over, Danny carefully cleaned the massage oil on my horse. Since he is so awesome, of course he asked the children to greet Danny. This kind of massage can make people willing to tip the master, which is highly recommended.










(Welcome to sponsor us through the VOCUS. You can fill in the invoice information with any name you prefer,歡迎透過方格子贊助我們,發票資訊姓名隨意填寫)











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本就對於新創產業具有高度興趣的我,因去年實習工作,認識Meet Taipei 這項全台新創展會,記得去年參展公司不可勝數,初參展的我即被許多商業模式與創新想法所驚豔,因此得知今年將於圓山舉辦,趁當兵休假時特別抽空去逛逛,也了解最近之新創風潮與新興商業模式。
《TAIPEI12elve》為台灣碩網網路娛樂股份有限公司(So-net Entertainment Taiwan Limited)領銜開發的大型綜合娛樂企劃。 由擅長各類型客製化音樂製作服務的「Octave music 八度音創」,並與具備豐富遊戲開發實績的日商「PANDOLOR inc.」共同開
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