小鎮塵埃|Three Years Later

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It has been three years. When I came here, I was just a little one.
At that time , my lady even doesn't know my name.
And my else sisters were called back by the Lord .

Wind blows all the winter, and Sun shines all the summer
In rainy eason, rain comes all day long.

Three years later, does I grow? Why am I still in this little flower pot?
Even I bring one flower for her every day, or three flowers whinin one day. 
My Lady said that there is no place for a big pot. 

I think that the "Belle Epoque" won't come; the big tree like my mother that I won't grow into.
Unless I could go to the Lady DAPHNE's garden? 
A little bird told me : There are a big garden and a big sun.
Can I go there? Would she take me to?
But there is only one question! I will miss the big sea here.

That is the time when I was a young rose, and the time passed more.

But I am still small, and still stand by my lady lord. 2024 歡迎改錯XD
