每日英語 #084: Bait-and-Switch 誘餌和掉包

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Bait-and-Switch 誘餌和掉包

“Bait” is the food you use to catch or capture an animal. If you are trying to catch a fish, for example, you might use worms, pieces of corn, or some other food fish might like to eat. Once the fish try to eat the food, you can “catch” (take from the water) them for your dinner.


More generally, the word bait can mean anything you use “to lure someone” (to get someone to go somewhere where something else will happen to them) to a certain place. Stores will often try to lure in customers by offering a low price on something, hoping people will come in and buy other things as well. It is illegal, however, for a store to “advertise” (put an announcement in a newspaper, on television, or on the Internet) something for a low price that they don’t actually have and then, when the customers come in, try to “switch” or change them to another, more expensive product. This is called a “bait-and-switch.”


There is now a new type of “bait-and-switch,” a different kind of “fraud” (attempt to cheat or steal from someone by tricking or fooling them) involving fish. According to “DNA” (genetic) studies, about 25% of all the fish sold in U.S. “supermarkets” (large grocery stores) is not what it is advertised to be. It’s often a different, usually cheaper, kind of fish or not the quality that the store says it is. For certain kinds of fish that are popular, such as Atlantic cod or wild salmon, the percentage of “falsely” (incorrectly) advertised products is as high as 70%!



  • Bait 誘餌 /beɪt/
  • Catch 抓住 /kætʃ/
  • Lure 引誘 /lʊr/
  • Advertise 廣告 /ˈæd.vər.taɪz/
  • Switch 更換 /swɪtʃ/
  • Fraud 詐騙 /frɔːd/
  • DNA DNA(基因) /ˌdiːˌɛnˈeɪ/
  • Supermarket 超市 /ˈsuː.pərˌmɑːr.kɪt/
  • Falsely 虛假的 /ˈfɔːls.li/
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