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看 CNN 10 自學英文 2024-09-05: The controversy over windmills in India

印度設定了雄心勃勃的目標,計劃在本十年結束前,利用風能和太陽能等可再生能源滿足 50%的能源需求,這是總理納倫德拉·莫迪所承諾的。儘管在賈伊薩爾梅爾等地的風力發電機能為數百萬家庭供電,但卻引發了爭議。當地的牧民和居民認為,這些巨型風車正在擾亂他們的生活和環境。擁有許多風力發電機的大型公司如阿達尼和蘇茲隆則主張,風能是印度清潔能源未來的重要一步,但當地社區的反對突顯了發展與環境關注之間的複雜平衡。


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  1. Nominee: A person who is proposed or formally entered as a candidate for office.
    Example sentence: The Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is running for president.
  2. Polling: The recording of votes or opinions during an election or survey.
    Example sentence: Recent polling indicates a tight race between the two candidates.
  3. Battleground states: States in which the outcome of the election is uncertain and both parties have a strong chance of winning.
    Example sentence: The election will likely be decided by the six key battleground states.
  4. Electoral College: A body of people representing the states of the U.S., who formally cast votes for the election of the president and vice president.
    Example sentence: The U.S. president is elected through the Electoral College system.
  5. Secure: To obtain or achieve something, especially after a lot of effort.
    Example sentence: The first candidate to secure 270 electoral votes will win the presidency. ​

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Reading Passage for University Students:

Balancing Renewable Energy Development and Local Livelihoods: The Controversy Over Wind Turbines in India

As the global push towards renewable energy intensifies, India stands at the forefront of this shift, driven by ambitious plans to mitigate the effects of climate change. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has pledged that by the end of this decade, 50% of India’s energy needs will be met through renewable sources like wind and solar power. This commitment positions India as a key player in the transition to cleaner energy, particularly in regions like Jaisalmer, where vast wind farms have sprung up, showcasing the country’s dedication to harnessing wind energy.

Wind turbines, towering over the desert landscape of Jaisalmer, are capable of generating enough electricity to power millions of homes. They are seen as vital tools in reducing India's reliance on fossil fuels, which contribute significantly to the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, renewable energy sources like wind power are expected to play a crucial role in ensuring India’s energy security as the demand for electricity continues to rise.

Yet, the development of these wind farms has not come without controversy. In many parts of rural India, local communities—particularly herders—are raising their voices in opposition to the wind turbines. For generations, these communities have relied on the land for grazing their animals and sustaining their traditional way of life. The introduction of large-scale wind energy infrastructure has disrupted their livelihoods, reducing the amount of open land available for grazing and altering the delicate balance of the local ecosystem.

The herders in Jaisalmer have expressed concerns about the noise pollution caused by the turbines, as well as the visual impact these massive structures have on the once unspoiled desert landscape. Additionally, they argue that the presence of these wind turbines has led to the displacement of wildlife and changes in the microclimate, which further threatens their ability to maintain their way of life.

On the other hand, major corporations like Adani and Suzlon, which own and operate many of these wind turbines, argue that the benefits of renewable energy far outweigh the negative impacts on local communities. They point to the fact that India’s energy needs are growing rapidly, and without renewable sources like wind, the country would have to rely even more heavily on coal and other polluting energy sources. For these companies, the long-term environmental and economic benefits of renewable energy justify the disruption to local communities.

This conflict between local resistance and national energy goals is emblematic of the broader challenges faced by countries around the world as they transition to renewable energy. While the need for clean energy is undeniable, the question of how to balance large-scale energy projects with the needs and rights of local populations remains complex. In India, the debate over wind turbines in Jaisalmer highlights the difficulties of achieving this balance. Local herders, while recognizing the importance of renewable energy, feel that their voices are not being heard, and their concerns are not being adequately addressed.

Finding a path forward will require careful negotiation and compromise. The government and energy companies must engage more effectively with local communities, ensuring that their concerns are taken into account in the planning and development of wind farms. This could involve offering compensation to affected communities, adjusting the locations of wind farms to minimize their impact, or investing in technologies that reduce noise and environmental disruption.

The future of renewable energy in India—and around the world—depends not only on technological advancements and economic considerations but also on the ability to address the social and environmental consequences of these projects. As India strives to become a global leader in clean energy, the lessons learned from the wind farm controversies in places like Jaisalmer will be crucial in shaping a more sustainable and inclusive energy future.


  1. Mitigate: To make less severe or serious.
    減輕: 使問題變得不那麼嚴重或嚴峻。
  2. Greenhouse gas emissions: Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.
    溫室氣體排放: 導致地球暖化的大氣中熱量累積的氣體排放。
  3. Infrastructure: The basic physical structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
    基礎設施: 一個社會或企業運作所需的基本物理結構。
  4. Displacement: The forced removal of people or wildlife from their usual location.
    遷移: 將人或野生動物從原本的棲息地強行移走。
  5. Microclimate: The climate of a small specific area that is different from the surrounding area.
    小氣候: 與周圍地區不同的特定小區域的氣候。


  • Passive constructions: Often used to shift the focus to the action itself, rather than the doer. Example: "The turbines are seen as disruptive by the local herders."
  • Conditional sentences: Used to express possibilities or hypothetical situations. Example: "If the concerns of local communities are not addressed, tensions may continue to rise."
  • Relative clauses: Provide additional information about a noun. Example: "The turbines, which are capable of powering millions of homes, have sparked local resistance."

Gap Fill:

India's plan to transition to _____________(1) energy includes wind power, which is expected to meet _____________(2) of the country's energy needs by 2030. However, in areas like Jaisalmer, local _____________(3) have emerged, with herders arguing that the large _____________(4) are disrupting their livelihoods and the _____________(5) around them. Despite the _____________(6) of clean energy, the issue of balancing development with local concerns remains unresolved.

Answers: (1) renewable, (2) 50%, (3) resistance, (4) wind turbines, (5) environment, (6) benefits.

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