Actually, no one would confuse a backpack with a bowling bag. After all, carrying something by hand and slinging it over your shoulder are quite different. The clean-cut lines, with black piping outlining a structured shape, and handles that are easy to grip whether carried by hand or over the shoulder, all provide a sense of reassurance. What you decide to put inside is entirely up to your mood.
There are some essentials, though: a pack of kaki-pi rice crackers, eye drops, a passport, US dollars, a credit card, a good pen, and a small notebook. Depending on the situation, you might occasionally add binoculars, a Beretta handgun, or trusty C4 explosives.
摘自:加了蒜酥的魚皮湯 哀慟有時,跳舞有時 我不是你要的答案
1001 領航員的BACKPACK