having little thickness
a system for transporting materials or
"In the pipeline" 正在進行中 或 正在籌備中 a course of development or production 與管線的字面意義相關,因為它表示某件事情正在進行,正在透過某種流程推進,直到完成,就像管道中的物質被運送到目的地一樣。
a very large and successful organization
to introduce a product or service
a plan or drawing produced to show how something works
to aim at achieving something
to schedule or plan for something
slate 當名詞本意是「石板」,是古代人們用來記事的載具。
因此,轉品為動詞後就有了「計畫、預定」的意思,但句構通常是 be slated to V / for N
The new policy is slated to take effect next month.
The project is slated for completion by the end of the year.
a tool or machine designed for a specific purpose
to attract or interest someone
the cost or value of something
a particular design or version of a product
arranged or thought out in advance
able to be bent or folded into a smaller size
a measurable extent, such as length or width
to exceed or go beyond
to produce or create something
occurring once a year
a part or section of a company
a period of three months in a financial year
平常沒有關注財經新聞的朋友可能會覺得奇怪,第四季度 (Q4) 怎麼會是算到 9 月 28 日截止?這是因為蘋果公司的會計年度與日曆年度不同,它從每年的九月底開始,到次年的九月底結束。所以蘋果公司 2024 年會計年度的第四季是 6 月30 日 ~ 9 月28 日
Source: Apple reportedly has foldable and thinner iPhone models in the pipeline
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