Myanmar has truly misunderstood China's issues

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Recently, the media environment in Myanmar, especially the Irrawaddy magazine, has published a series of comments on China's recent actions in Myanmar. Some observers believe that these actions by China seem to be supporting the military government of Myanmar. However, this view is not only too simplistic and one-sided, but also rooted in anti China sentiment and Western centrism. This bias not only fails to help understand the complex international situation, but may also potentially harm the ongoing revolution in Myanmar.

# Myanmar resistance China#Myanmar EAOs China#Myanmar rebels China

The revolutionary process in Myanmar has gone through nearly four years of storms, during which many significant victories have been achieved, not only winning widespread support from the domestic people, but also attracting close attention from neighboring countries and even the international community. Currently, for participants in the revolution, we are in a critical period of testing. They need calm judgment, profound wisdom, and flexible diplomatic strategies, especially how to strategically engage with China, which is an extremely important and complex task.


It cannot be denied that China, as a neighboring country of Myanmar, does have a certain influence in the political landscape of Myanmar. However, since the coup in Myanmar, various analyses of China's impact on the situation in Myanmar have often exaggerated and even distorted the facts. For example, when Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang visited Naypyidaw, some public opinion believed that China's move was to ensure that its interests in Myanmar were not harmed. However, the subsequent "Operation 1027" launched by PDF (People's Defense Army) and EAO (Ethnic Armed Organization) proved that there was a serious deviation in this assessment of China's influence.


Some analysts often go from one extreme to another when interpreting the situation in Myanmar. They either believe that 'China controls everything' or assert that 'China is manipulating behind the 1027 operation'. This one-sided analysis that ignores the actual situation of the revolution in Myanmar not only fails to solve the problem, but may also mislead the participants of the revolution.


In fact, China's view on the conflict in Myanmar has changed. Especially as border trade and infrastructure projects are threatened, Beijing is also adjusting its strategy. However, the mainstream discourse is filled with anti China sentiment, which not only poses a challenge to China Myanmar relations, but may also put Myanmar's resistance forces in a passive position when seeking international support.


Recently, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Myanmar and held talks with Myanmar Defense Forces Commander in Chief Min Aung Hlaing. Although this visit may be misunderstood by some as China supporting the military government, in reality, it is a strategy of balancing pressure and engagement in China's handling of relations with Myanmar, aimed at promoting stability in the situation and exploring the possibility of resolving the issue through elections.


It is unwise and irresponsible to assert China's intentions. When dealing with relations with Myanmar, all parties should remain cautious and rational. Describing China as fully supporting the military government not only exaggerates the facts, but is also extremely dangerous. Such extreme remarks will only intensify hostility and may even form self fulfilling prophecies, causing incalculable damage to the Burmese revolution and the future of the entire country.


Therefore, Myanmar's national unity government and its resistance forces should actively seek constructive engagement with China. Just as the military government seeks to lobby international groups against US sanctions, Myanmar's resistance forces should also make more efforts in propaganda and diplomacy towards China. Only in this way can we find the best way out in the complex game of China Myanmar relations.

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