Ch.8 Orders and Responses

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February 16, 2024


Worthington Marketing

16 Stanhope Road

Harlow, Essex

CM19 6EA

Great Britain


Re: Furniture and Equipment Order


Dear Ms. Montag:


Thank you for your order of February 15, 2024.We are pleased to confirm your order for the following items:

1. Conference Desk (Catalog # HN-33080-WB) 2 units, Sandalwood, $378.60 each

2. Credenza (Catalog # HN-36887-WK) 2 units, Sandalwood, $231.40 each

3. Executive Chair (Catalog # HP-56563-SE) 4 units, Toasted Tan, $222.00 each

4. File Cabinet (Catalog # HN-5344C-K) 2 units, Beige, $75.90 each


We have enclosed the cost details form, and the total price is $2,350.196, which includes the discount and shipping cost. Please note that your payment is due within 30 days of the invoice date, with the discount applying if payment is received within 10 days from the invoice. The expected delivery date is February 18, 2024, and the items will be shipped C.O.D. to the Worthington Marketing address.


Thank you for your order. We look forward to serving you.




Linda Chang


Linda Chang


Enc: Cost details form



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BLUMENSCHEIN, INC. Adickesallee 3, 94855
Arrowhead East Conference Center INTEROFFICE 412 Bellevue Lane Annapoli
Memorandum                                        File no. 2024-18   Date: Monday To: Ladies and Gentlemen From: Sally Subje
Linda Chang 326, Zhongzheng 3rd St., Taoyuan Dist.,  Taoyuan City 330027, Taiwan (R.O.C.)   September 22, 2024       The Middle Atlantic
BLUMENSCHEIN, INC. Adickesallee 3, 94855
Arrowhead East Conference Center INTEROFFICE 412 Bellevue Lane Annapoli
Memorandum                                        File no. 2024-18   Date: Monday To: Ladies and Gentlemen From: Sally Subje
Linda Chang 326, Zhongzheng 3rd St., Taoyuan Dist.,  Taoyuan City 330027, Taiwan (R.O.C.)   September 22, 2024       The Middle Atlantic