迷離的風輕輕吹過 夢裡的妳像朦朧星火 眼神交錯靈魂飄蕩 時間靜止那一刻 模糊的心想擁抱深處 遠方似乎在召喚回顧 愛的承諾隨風流轉 寂寞夜晚悄悄蔓延 迷離的風揭開謎語 細語在耳邊輕輕呢喃 心跳聲和風的旋律 將我引向愛的夢境 深夜中孤單行走 回憶隨風吹拂前奏 那片天空藏滿秘密 等待黎明的光芒洗禮 迷離的風帶走淚水 痛苦往事隨之遙遠 再見那一夜的影子 心在風中重新綻放 迷離的風揭開謎語 細語在耳邊輕輕呢喃 心跳聲和風的旋律 將我引向愛的夢境
這首詩我也有做成歌,喜歡聽歌的朋友可以點擊這個YouTube 連結:
(The hazy wind gently blows, In dreams, you are like dim starlight. Our gazes cross, souls drift, Time stands still in that moment. A blurry heart seeks to embrace deeply, The distance seems to call for a look back. Love's promises flow with the wind, Lonely nights quietly spread. The hazy wind unveils riddles, Whispers softly in my ear, Heartbeats and the wind's melody, Guide me to the realm of love. Walking alone in the deep night, Memories are the prelude to the wind. The sky is filled with secrets, Waiting for dawn's light to wash over. The hazy wind carries away tears, Painful pasts drift far away. Goodbye to the shadows of that night, My heart blooms again in the wind. The hazy wind unveils riddles, Whispers softly in my ear, Heartbeats and the wind's melody, Guide me to the realm of love.)