SAINT BELLA CEO Danny Xiang Calls for Global Standardization

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SAINT BELLA CEO Danny Xiang Calls for Global Standardization of Postpartum Care at the United Nations’ Largest Annual Women’s Conference 

The 69th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69) officially commenced on March 10 at the UN Headquarters in New York, focusing on three core issues: Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Digital Age, Innovative Mechanisms to Eliminate Gender-Based Violence, and Women’s Rights in Global Health Governance.

Danny Xiang, Founder and CEO of SAINT BELLA Group, Asia’s leading postpartum care group, was invited to speak as a representative of Chinese enterprises during the conference. In his address, he highlighted the transformative impact of traditional Chinese postpartum care wisdom on the global maternal and infant healthcare system, showcasing China enterprise’s role in advancing global health system.


With nearly a decade of dedication to advancing gender equality and maternal healthcare, Xiang emphasized the urgent need to establish a standardized global postpartum care system. “Proper postpartum care should be an essential part of global healthcare,” Xiang stated. “This is not only about safeguarding maternal and infant health but also about strengthening family well-being and enhancing socio-economic productivity.”

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, in his opening remarks, reaffirmed that gender equality is a driving force for global progress. He acknowledged the persistent challenges women face, including violence, discrimination, and economic disparity, and called on all nations to continue their efforts in advancing gender equality to foster global prosperity and peace, aligning with the vision of The Beijing Declaration.

The traditional Chinese practice of postpartum care, known as “Zuo Yue Zi”, embodies centuries of wisdom and complements modern medicine through structured recovery management, nutritional guidance, and multi-generational emotional support. SAINT BELLA, under Xiang’s leadership, has been pioneering high-quality postpartum care services tailored to diverse women’s needs.

Based on publicly available information, as of 30 June 2024, SAINT BELLA Group was operating 72 postpartum care centers across 25 cities worldwide. Beyond its rapid expansion in China, the company has launched its global footprint in the United States and Singapore, with plans to continue expanding actively to enter into new markets. The company offers a comprehensive ecosystem spanning maternal and infant care services, home care services and health food products, striving to establish a well-rounded family care system in the future, from pregnancy and postpartum recovery to early childhood development and elderly care.

Reflecting on his transition from investment banking to entrepreneurship, Xiang shared his vision of bridging the global gap in postpartum care resources. He emphasized that Asia’s successful postpartum care practices could serve as a scalable and adaptable model for improving maternal and infant health worldwide.

Currently, over 70% of new mothers globally face postpartum health challenges, yet gaps remain in policy support, economic accessibility, and social awareness. “Scientific postpartum care is not just about maternal health—it directly impacts long-term female well-being and even overall workforce productivity,” Xiang stated.

He encouraged governments to implement stronger maternal support policies, integrating postpartum care into national healthcare systems and establishing dedicated financial subsidies. He also called on corporations to foster family-friendly workplaces and encouraged medical institutions to adopt proven postpartum care practices from around the world.

In response to the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, SAINT BELLA is developing an AI-powered 24/7 Digital Postpartum Care Assistant, aiming to make high-quality postpartum support accessible in real-time. “Our ultimate goal is to make high quality postpartum care universally accessible and eventually free, helping women in underserved regions receive the same standard of care as those in privileged areas, contributing to the sustainable development of a shared global future. ” Xiang emphasized.

During this conference, SAINT BELLA was honored with the "Eastern Postpartum Culture Award for Global Sustainable Development" by the Global Alliance for Sustainable Development Foundation in recognition of the company's outstanding contributions and remarkable achievements in the field of women's health worldwide.

Additionally, Xiang received the "Outstanding Global Sustainable Development Figure Award", acknowledging his visionary leadership, exceptional achievements, and lasting impact in advancing global sustainable development.

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