轉移自 LogDown 原文日期 July 30, 2014 19:36
Kevin, Gogolook
monkey runner - auto-testing tool - python monkey recorder - coordinate
usage: monkeyrunner xxx.py
optimize: 1. export python script 2. screen shot diff 3. mail crash report 4. run continus python script
Ascii, Kkbox
- broadcast sender android, chrome, ios
- reciever(html+java script) default media(applicationID), style media(.css), custom(.html) (only the default media free, others each account pay $5)
watch out!
- within same domain
- debug console port 922, need checkout "send application id to google if update"
- write with percentage not fixed number
build.gradle dependencies { compile 'com.android.support:mediarouter-v7:19.1.+' compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:4.4.52' }
SenderReciever's doingRemoteMediaPlayer.loadautomatically starts playbackCast.CastApi.sendMessagereceieve message
GoogleIO 2014
David, Cardinal Blue
- AndroidWear(Watch)
- AndroidTV(Chromecast)
- Google glasses
- UI (animation)