2020-08-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

佛教專題~2020年尊貴的 直貢澈贊法王賜予臺灣薩迦寺及龍德嚴淨仁波切祝福

    佛教專題~直貢澈贊法王為創建緣滿的臺灣薩迦寺及龍德嚴淨仁波切祝福文: 非常高興今天你們到來,在這裡臺灣的觀音山的 龍德仁波切的弟子,金剛上師仁波切的弟子,看到你們的寺廟已經建成,非常高興的,我先祝福你們寺廟的順利完成。
    那我在這裡 薩迦法王也,我們非常,印度德拉敦很近。互相他來、我們也會來往。 那堪布 阿貝(仁波切)也是我的 上師,我以前接受過這個《喜金剛本續》,所以我非常高興現在你們建設臺灣薩迦寺,弘揚佛法,善信利益,我非常祝願你們。 我相信,利益很多眾生,那我們這個 確吉蔣稱金剛上師長壽,然後利益很多眾生,法喜充滿,阿彌陀佛!
    I am really glad to see you coming here. The disciples of Taiwan Guan Yin Shan Lung Du Rinpoche, the disciples of Vajrayana Guru Rinpoche, I am absolutely delighted to see that your monastery has been completed, and first I wish your monastery a smooth completion. And here I am near His Holiness Sakya Trizin in Dehradun, India. We often intercommunicate with each other. The Venerable Khenchen Appey Rinpoche is also my guru, and I received the lineage of Hevajra Tantra from my guru before, and thus I am really delighted to see the construction of “Taiwan Sakya Monastery” that can propagate the Dharma and benefit many people. I hereby give you my genuine blessing. I believe that this monastery will surely benefit many sentient beings, and I hope that the Vajrayana Guru Chokyi Gyetshen will be long-lived and benefit many sentient beings. May everyone be full of Dharma joy. Amitabha! 觀音山 臺灣薩迦寺 https://www.sakya.org.tw/
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