更新於 2020/11/11閱讀時間約 6 分鐘

好多女人的女人街? If Ladies Market got many ladies?

    Hello guys, how you doing today? Trust everyone is doing well, today I am going to introduce you guy our famous night market in Mong Kok called Ladies Market (formal name is Tung Choi Street PS: the word Tung Choi in Chinese means water spinach)
    哈佬咁多位, 今日我想同大家介紹下我地係旺角超有名既夜市,女人街 (正式名稱係通菜街)
    Maybe you guys would have question about the name of the street, is there have got many ladies selling water spinach? Of course nope, Ladies Market is always a treat to visit with the rows of open stalls as well as tiny boutiques offering a wide range of different fashions, accessories, gadgets and gimmicks.
    可能大家會有個疑,點解通菜街會叫女人街? 個到係咪好多女人賣通菜? 答案就梗係唔係啦. 女人街係一條有各種街邊擋擺賣唔同既潮流衣物/手袋, 飾物,有香港特色既紀念品同埋啲一啲搞笑既野
    I guess many stalls are closed due to the corona virus and they don't expect there will be so much tourists recently, fortunately there are still some stalls opening for me to take a pictures for you guys, as I see the stalls are mainly selling toys and bags when I was there.
    我估可能因為疫情既關係, 有好多擋攤都冇開,可能佢地覺得呢排冇遊客會黎,所以費事開擋晒精神.現場見到有開既擋口都係啲賣玩具, 手袋之類既野.
    The length of the ladies market is about 1 KM, they have got approximately 120 stalls there, you need to cross 4 blocks if you planned to walk through the whole market.
    女人街大約有一公里長, 成個市集大約有120個攤擋, 如果你想行晒成條女人街,你應該要過4條馬路.
    This image is found on internet (圖片來自網上)
    Allow me to put some images on internet as I really want to show you different stalls in the market.
    大家唔好介意今次我係網上面搵一兩張相放上黎, 因為我想比大家睇多啲女人既唔同既攤擋
    This image is found on internet (圖片來自網上)
    Never forget to bargain with the owner of the stall when you decide to buy stuff in the market, the prices in the market are vary, it can be 30%+ different on the same product, so, remember always bargaining or comparing with other stalls when you buy stuff there.
    大家如果要係女人街買野, 記得記得要講價, 因為呢個市集啲價錢好海鮮價,同一樣野係唔同擋口,價錢可以差左成30%以上.所以,一定要講價或者行多幾擋先好買.
    The above plaza is out of the ladies market, but I know that there is a Bitcoin ATM in there, so I take a pictures of this plaza to you guys incidentally.
    跟住落黎講既呢個商場其實唔係女人街既範圍之內,不過我知佢有個bitcoin ATM,所以順便照下比大家睇下.
    This plaza is similar to Ladies Market, most of them are selling trendy accessories, clothes, bags, etc. the only different is that their target customers are the local teenagers.
    呢個商場其實同女人街差唔多,都係賣啲潮流飾物, 衣服, 袋之類既野, 唯一唔同就係佢地主要做本地後生仔女生意.
    Other Bitcoin Exchange is giving out their leaflet down stair of the plaza
    另一間Bitcoin 交易所係商場樓下派傳單.
    2 pretty girls are have busking on the street.
    I will try to update my blog earlier tomorrow, wish you enjoy love this article, thank you.
    我聽日會試下早啲update,希望大家喜歡我呢篇文章. 多謝各位.
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