更新於 2020/11/12閱讀時間約 14 分鐘

【讀】Real Life | 被白人包圍的孤立

書名 : Real Life 作者 : Brandon Taylor 出版年 : 2020 類型 : 文學小說
今年布克獎(Booker Prize)的決選短名單之一,我覺得這不是一本輕鬆易讀的書,也不是一本讀完後會讓人滿心愉悅的小說,而是會讓你在讀的過程忍不住緊握拳頭,感到氣憤、悲哀、與無力。




我想先講講Wallace與他的「朋友們」,我覺得這本書最讓我喜愛的點之一就是角色的刻畫以及彼此間複雜的關係。大家可能不知道(?),但我近期發現一個會讓我喜歡一本書的點,就是對於一群角色之間的互動細膩的呈現,我很愛讀到那種情緒堆疊累積、角色間的衝突、矛盾的感情等,不只是表面上的對話,更吸引人的是檯面下的暗潮洶湧,像是我的愛書If We Were Villains。這本書中,Wallace有一群與他互稱為「朋友」的人,總共可能有十個上下,儘管人數眾多,每個人都有著非常鮮明、獨特的個性,而且與其他角色的互動關係也都有意思,我最喜歡的部分都是這群朋友相聚對話的部分,那種衝突與張力呈現的很棒。
我之所以一直在朋友加上引號,是因為我在讀的時候,一直在想,什麼是朋友? 他們這一群人真的是Wallace的朋友嗎? 在書中有一段我印象很深的部分,是Wallace在這群朋友對話中被其中一人針對,被刻意刁難,儘管沒有明講,但明顯感受的到是與他的膚色有關,而他當著所有朋友的面羞辱時,其他人卻默不吭聲,擺著尷尬的表情。朋友是那種看著你被當眾為難而沒有任何作為的人嗎? 在這段後有一段摘句我覺得非常痛心但卻也是那麼真實,他說儘管總是有善良且真心愛他的白人,他們更害怕其他白人而決定捨棄他的感受,不論他們多麼地有愛、善良,他們永遠都會是同謀、一個等著發生的傷口。
接著提一下文字部分,作者Brandon Taylor的文筆很漂亮,我覺得在故事描寫上很棒,但在講述心理上或意識想法時,雖然仍然很美,但會讓我有點難抓到背後的意義(也有可能只是個人資質駑鈍XD)。雖然說這本書是一個周末的故事,但其實每一段故事都穿插著Wallace的想法/過去等等,所以其實整本書的感覺其實滿dense(稠密?),加上前面幾段,因為介紹Wallace的研究方面,有很多專有名詞以及我不了解的專業知識,加上同時也介紹了很多人們,一下子資訊量頗大,我覺得前面吸收會比較困難一點。


Real Life是一本會讓你氣憤、難過、無力的書,但更重要的是它會讓你深思,看到種族歧視最真實的一面。


幾部提到這本的Booktube影片 : (算是讓我找來讀的動力XD)


It always seemed to him that when people were sad for you, they were sad for themselves, as if your misfortune were just an excuse for them to feel what it was they wanted to feel. Sympathy was a kind of ventriloquism. (Ch. 1)
No one is going to say, Well, Wallace, it’s okay if you don’t have your part of the data. You were being treated poorly. And there is the other thing—the shadow pain, he calls it, because he cannot say its real name. Because to say its real name would be to cause trouble, to make waves. To draw attention to it, as though it weren’t in everything already.(Ch. 2)
The most unfair part of it, Wallace thinks, is that when you tell white people that something is racist, they hold it up to the light and try to discern if you are telling the truth. As if they can tell by the grain if something is racist or not, and they always trust their own judgment. It’s unfair because white people have a vested interest in underestimating racism, its amount, its intensity, its shape, its effects. They are the fox in the henhouse. (Ch.2)
This is why Wallace never tells anyone anything. This is why he keeps the truth to himself, because other people don’t know what to do with your shit, with the reality of other people’s feelings. They don’t know what to do when they’ve heard something that does not align with their own perception of things.(Ch.3)
It is why he does not trust memory. Memory sifts. Memory lifts. Memory makes due with what it is given. Memory is not about facts. Memory is an inconsistent measurement of the pain in one’s life.(Ch.4)
What Roman is referring to is instead a deficiency of whiteness, a lack of some requisite sameness. This deficiency cannot be overcome. The fact is, no matter how hard he tries or how much he learns or how many skills he masters, he will always be provisional in the eyes of these people, no matter how they might be fond of him or gentle with him.(Ch.4)
Kindness is a debt, Wallace thinks. Kindness is something owed and something repaid. Kindness is an obligation.(Ch.4)
They do not understand that for them it will get better, while for him the misery will only change shape.(Ch.4)
There will always be this moment. There will always be good white people who love him and want the best for him but who are more afraid of other white people than of letting him down. It is easier for them to let it happen and to triage the wound later than to introduce an element of the unknown into the situation. No matter how good they are, no matter how loving, they will always be complicit, a danger, a wound waiting to happen. There is no amount of loving that will ever bring Miller closer to him in this respect. There is no amount of desire. There will always remain a small space between them, a space where people like Roman will take root and say ugly, hateful things to him. It’s the place in every white person’s heart where their racism lives and flourishes, not some vast open plain but a small crack, which is all it takes.(Ch.4)
Perhaps friendship is really nothing but controlled cruelty. Maybe that’s all they’re doing, lacerating each other and expecting kindness back. (Ch.6)
The truly awful thing about beauty is that it reminds us of our limits. Beauty is a kind of unrelenting cruelty. It takes the truth, hones it to a terrifying keenness, and uses it to slice us to the bone.(Ch.7)


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