2020-12-30|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 7 分鐘

好景場商 / Ho King Shopping Center

    Hello everyone, how are you today? I am going to show you guys to a small shopping center today, but don't over estimate the reputation of this small and old mall, it was super famous back to 20 years ago.
    The mall is now focus in selling video console and games, also the phone accessory like phone case, power bank, etc.
    而家呢到呢就主要賣電視遊戲機同遊戲碟, 仲有一啲手機配件例如手機套,充電寶等等.
    I dare you can never imagine they used to selling adult videos in the past, you can always find a mid-age man standing nearby the escalator yelling "4th floor got porn discs, porn discs at 4th floor". This slogan had became the greatest feature of this shopping center. You might not know the name of the shopping center, but you MUST have listened this slogan for sure.
    我包你估唔到佢地以前呢到係4仔(成人影片)天堂 , 以前我地一經過呢個商場,就必定見到一個阿叔風雨不改咁係電梯口到大叫 "4級係4樓,4樓有4級"呢句口號簡直就係全場最大特色.你可能唔知呢個商場個名,但我肯定,你一定聽過呢句口號.
    The mall started to transform the image since 2007 then we no longer seeing the mid-age man appear in the mall anymore, of course all the porn discs shops were gone simultaneously.
    呢個商場自2007年起開始轉型, 自此以後,我地再冇見過呢個阿叔係到出現,當然,啲賣4仔既鋪頭亦都消聲匿跡.
    I found an interesting phenomenon, when talking about this shopping mall on the forum, many people saying that they missing the mid-age man, especially his slogan because his voice is really special which is irreplaceable, sounds Mong Kok lost a great feature after the man gone.
    講起呢個商場,我發現一個有趣既現場,好多人係網上既討論區話,佢地都好懷念呢個阿叔,特別係佢個句口號, 因為佢把聲線好特別, 除左佢,冇人可以講到佢既神緒出黎.自從佢離開之後,旺角少左一大特色.
    Beside the Shopping mall, there are some shops which are opening for more than 20 years either, the above bread shop is quite popular even they look very old, I used to buy a bread there very often when I was studying in college. Their bread is fabulous.
    除左好景商場,呢到附近仲有一兩間鋪頭開左超過20年, 好似呢間明華餅家,唔好睇佢殘殘舊舊咁, 佢係區內好鬼出名架,我以前讀書個陣都成日黎買包吃,佢啲包真係正到上天.
    I am not sure if you like the braised dishes, if so, you MUST visit this shop to try their Octopus + Turkey Kidney, they are selected by the MICHELIN Guide, then you can guess the consequence is that everyday they have got so many people queuing for their Octopus and Turkey Kidney.
    唔知大家鐘唔鐘意吃滷味,如果鐘恴既話,你一定要黎呢間肥姐小食店,佢地啲墨魚同雞腎超出名, 唔講你唔知,佢地仲上過米之蓮街頭小食名單,上完之後,唔使我講,大家都估到會點啦,當然係日日排隊排到飛起.
    But we can see their business is being affected under the pandemic, maybe people has concern on hygiene, we barely see anyone queue there recently.
    This is the last article of Mong Kok, I will start introducing the other area - Kowloon City to you guys. Wish you guys would like it. Thanks.
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