Code of Conduct for Cryptocurrency Exchanges 虛擬通貨交易所行為準則

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The Code of Conduct for Exchanges is aimed at protecting the interests of Taiwan’s Self-Regulatory Organization for Crypto-Currency’s (SRO) participating members, investors and consumers, as well as encouraging the healthy development of the Blockchain industry and guiding the development of crypto-currency in a positive direction. In order to promote the spirit of self-regulation, abide by supervisory stipulations, enhance business ethics and establish market disciplines, we — the participating exchange members of the SRO, hereby solemnly swear to abide by the following fundamental principles:
  1. 守法原則:
Principle 1: Regulatory Abidance
We will make sure to understand and follow these self-regulations, along with any associated rules and regulations from supervisory and regulatory authorities. Behaviors such as self-violations or aiding and abetting others in the violation of any regulations are strictly prohibited.
A. 我們瞭解若對受法律規範的投資交易進行交易或顧問服務,可能需要許可證,因此我們將確保:
A. We understand that if we engage in advising on or dealing in regulated instruments, we may need to obtain licenses. Therefore, we will ensure that we either:
1. 在進行上述行為前,取得必要的許可證與授權。
1. Obtain the requisite licenses and authorizations before engaging in such activities; or
2. Do not make available for trading, deal in or advise on any regulated instruments.
B. 我們瞭解我們仍受其他法律的規範,包含消費者保護法、個人資料保護法等。我們也將自律組織的原則作為額外指引並遵守之。
B. We understand that we remain subject to all other laws in relevant jurisdictions, including legal principles such as the Consumer Protection Act and Personal Information Protection Act. We seek to abide by the self-regulatory principles as additional guidance.
  1. 公開透明原則:
Principle 2: Information Transparency
In order to enable investors to make adequate investment decisions, sufficient, transparent, and up-to-date information must be provided in a timely manner. We will also provide any necessary information to relevant authorities to meet any applicable legal or regulatory requirements. Any additional information not listed below is also encouraged to be made available.
  1. 我們會揭露相關的交易所資訊,包括:
  2. 公司名稱、地址、聯絡方式;
  3. 公司負責人、董事、總經理、執行長之資歷;
  4. 如需證照或政府核准,公司應揭露相關訊息。
  5. We will disclose relevant company information, including :
  6. Name, address and contact details of the company;
  7. Experiences of officers, directors, general manager and other members of senior management;
  8. Company licensing status and any applicable regulations.
B. 我們會在交易所提供客觀的標準,以達到對使用者公平公正。我們會提供足夠的資訊,讓使用者確實了解使用本平台交易可能遇到的風險、費用及成本。
B. We will provide objective criteria for participation in order to promote fair for customers. Customers will also have sufficient information to form an accurate understanding of the risks, fees and costs they incur by trading on the platform.
Principle 3: Prudent Administration
Prudent administrators are obligated to exercise due care and meet any expected accountabilities in strengthening system robustness, maintaining data security and providing the best possible services. We will be efficient and effective in meeting our obligations in respect of the services we provide.
  1. 我們會採取清楚透明的管理措施,促進平台的安全與效率,抑制市場不端行為,協助穩定加密資產系統,支持相關股東的目標。
A. We will put in place governance structures that are clear and transparent in order to promote the safety and efficiency of the platform, suppress market misconduct, and support the stability of the broader crypto-asset system and the objectives of relevant stakeholders.
B. 我們的系統設計會確保高度的安全性與運作的可靠性,以及未來的可擴充性。
B. We will design our systems in a manner that achieves the due transparency of trading activity, ensures a high degree of security and operational reliability, and maintains an adequate and scalable capacity.
C. 我們接受所有我們代表使用者所持有的代幣權利皆屬於使用者。除經使用者同意或法律另有規定外,我們不會在未得到使用者同意的情況下,代表其進行任何投票權(若有);在使用者無任何延遲或積欠平台手續費的狀況下,我們也不會處分屬於使用者的代幣。
C. We recognize that any rights attached to tokens and assets held on behalf of customers belong to the customers. Except for customers’ agree or regulations, we will not exercise voting rights (if any) for customers without their approval and we will not withhold customer account distributions.
4. 作業風險管理
Principle 4: Operational Risk Management
We will aim to identify and mitigate any possible sources of risk, both internal and external through the use of appropriate systems, policies, procedures and controls.
A. 我們會分散並保護我們和顧客的資產(包含持有足夠高的加密資產比例於適當的冷儲存),並將損失風險降至最小以及延後處理這些資產。
A. We will separate and safeguard our own and our customers assets (including holding a sufficiently high proportion of crypto-assets in cold storage when appropriate) and minimize the risk of loss or delay in access to assets.
B. 我們會以技術方式監視,以防止洗錢、資助恐怖分子風險。
B. We will monitor in technical way to prevent money-laundering, terrorist financing.
C. 如涉及法幣交易,我們會對顧客實施實名認證機制。
C. We will conduct customer onboarding due diligence when involving in fiat money transactions.
D. To reduce the risk of fraud, we will implement multi-factor authentication and other approval processes for withdrawal of assets from the trading platforms and other transactions above certain thresholds.
E. 在發生大規模或重大破壞性事件時,我們會透過業務連續性管理,以即時作業修復,履行交易平台的義務。
E. In the event of a wide-scale or major disruption, we will aim for the timely recovery of operations and fulfillment of trading platform obligations through business continuity management.
5. 市場、流動資產及信用風險管理
Principle 5: Market, Liquidity and Credit Risk Management
We will effectively measure, monitor and manage market, liquidity and counterparty risks whenever applicable.
A. 我們會持有足夠的流動資產以因應遭逢商業損失時,得以繼續運作及提供服務。
A. We will hold sufficient liquid net assets to cover potential general business losses, so that we can continue operations and services if such losses occur.
B. 若我們提供槓桿交易服務給予我們的客戶時,我們會有效評估、監控與管理信用風險,包括只接受高價值的流動擔保品,適當設置保守估值折扣與限額管理。
B. If we extend leverage to our customers, we will effectively measure, monitor, and manage credit risks, such as by accepting only high quality, liquid collateral and by setting appropriately conservative haircuts and concentration limits.
C. 避免成員之間相互破壞同業信譽、共同利益或其他不當競爭之行為。我們會中止誤導、偽造、詐騙、破壞信任的行為。
C. We will not engage in wanton destruction of competitors’ reputations or interests and engage in any types of unethical competition. We will desist from behaviors that misguide, falsify, defraud, or cause mistrust to other market participants.
The Code of Conduct is drafted and published in conjunction with Taiwan Cryptocurrency Self-Regulatory Organization, Taiwan FinTech Association and its respecitve members.

Google News 追蹤
金管會在行政院指示下去年初成為虛擬資產平台及交易業務事業(VASP)的主管機關。 為因應虛擬貨幣交易平臺頻繁爆雷的情況,金管會去年9月發布了管理虛擬資產平台及交易業務事業的十大指導原則。 此舉是為了加強對虛擬貨幣交易平臺的監管,以保護投資人的權益。 金管會也指出,若虛擬貨幣業者
金管會在行政院指示下去年初成為虛擬資產平台及交易業務事業(VASP)的主管機關。 為因應虛擬貨幣交易平臺頻繁爆雷的情況,金管會去年9月發布了管理虛擬資產平台及交易業務事業的十大指導原則。 此舉是為了加強對虛擬貨幣交易平臺的監管,以保護投資人的權益。 金管會也指出,若虛擬貨幣業者