更新於 2021/05/10閱讀時間約 1 分鐘

021521 Key& 關鍵

    Single layer of the petal, in light violet color, widely stretched, so simple.  Dark violet color line, perfectly enriches the shape of each petal, Total appearance, has been successfully transformed.  Attractively Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 恬適上午, 慢游書海; 和煦午後, 走走逛逛.盛開花瓣, 中線正紫色, 其餘近乎白, 丰姿清雅; 花苞暖好身, 隨風起舞了. 淡紫花朵, 柔瓣如玫瑰, 色似薰衣草, 韻如紫羅蘭; 珍貴真情, 清新浪漫, 幸福美好; 安靜地, 享受著.
    Single layer of the petal, in light violet color, widely stretched, so simple. Dark violet color line, perfectly enriches the shape of each petal, Total appearance, has been successfully transformed. Attractively Yours, ~ Love365** Ps. 恬適上午, 慢游書海; 和煦午後, 走走逛逛. 盛開花瓣, 中線正紫色, 其餘近乎白, 丰姿清雅; 花苞暖好身, 隨風起舞了. 淡紫花朵, 柔瓣如玫瑰, 色似薰衣草, 韻如紫羅蘭; 珍貴真情, 清新浪漫, 幸福美好; 安靜地, 享受著.
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