What an adorable gift from the Nature. Enjoying the words of the colors/shapes. Purple: magnificently graceful, as the older generation.Yellow: actively energetical, as the aged/adults. Light Purple: result, after the integrating. Not in huge size, not too intensely colored, but have the influence to all family members, significantly. Purple lines on the yellow petals: tradition of the family. Gratefully, Love365**Ps. 喜歡, 深紫色, 雍容大方; 淡紫色, 恬適典雅; 黃色的, 明亮活力.黃色花瓣上的深紫色線條, 如同家庭風氣, 及道德品行;由新生代的黃色, 傳續自上一代的深紫色.交融後的美好, 如同淡紫色; 溫馨甜蜜氛圍, 就這巧而美.