自從我開始付費20美金(Pro Plan)+5美金(APO)給CloudFlare後,我就很在意到底CloudFlare給網頁性能的提升有多少,是否值得買。
昨晚我把Pro Plan 取消了,原因是我發現CloudFlare可讓你的網站變慢! 以下是我Submit 的Ticket詳情:
6 to 15times longer wait for CF to serve the first byte to Hong Kong traffic
- Pro Plan
- Hosting: Kinsta, Hong Kong datacenter
- Test tools: GTMetrix, WebPageTest.org
- After figuring out the problem, in the DNS setting, the main domain is "DNS-only" until the issue is resolved
Since May I have been wondering why the google pagespeed insight suggest green (lab data) but in google search console (field data) the number or need to improve and poor increases. I then used GTMetrix to test my site url from Hong Kong, surprisingly the first byte takes 500~600ms, sometimes 1500ms. When I set the test server in Sydney, London, the first byte takes only 100ms. WebPageTest.org gives similar value. I then "turn-off" CF by setting to "DNS only", immediately the Hong Kong first byte time reduces to around 100ms.
CF edge is working well with Kinsta if the traffic source is not from Hong Kong.
Since my major traffic is from Hong Kong, I will need to wait this issue to be resolved before resuming the Pro Subscription.