更新於 2021/08/08閱讀時間約 4 分鐘

廢宅一日運動迷 #4 │ 運動攀登

The sport will make its Olympic debut at Tokyo 2020 and will feature three disciplines: Speed, Bouldering and Lead. Speed climbing pits two climbers against each other, both climbing a route on a 15m wall. In Bouldering, athletes scale a number of fixed routes on a 4.5m wall in a specified time. In Lead, athletes attempt to climb as high as possible on a wall measuring over 15m in height within a specified time. At the Games, each climber will compete in all three disciplines, and the final rankings will be determined by multiplying the placement in each discipline, with the athletes achieving the lowest scores winning medals. In some disciplines, climbers attach safety ropes; however, no other equipment is permitted, and competitors must climb using only their bare hands and climbing shoes. The sport requires strength, flexibility and skill, together with careful advance planning: the first ever medallists will all possess this unique combination of physical and mental capability and decisiveness.──2020奧運官網(註1)
Sport Climbing運動攀登,俗稱攀岩(但其實為攀岩之衍伸運動),為一種利用事先於牆面上配置好不同大小的人工石供運動者攀爬的運動,在2020奧運被納入為競賽項目之一。
比賽分為三項:Speed速度、Bouldering抱石、Lead先鋒(註2)。速度競賽為運動員在同一條事先知道的路徑上向上攀,依時間短長排名;抱石、先鋒競賽則不會讓選手於賽前得知人工岩配置(就算是地主國的選手也不會知道),依爬完路線多寡、爬到多高位置等要素排名,所以「思考如何攀登」臨場反應就成為選手們非常重要的能力之一,這也是和其他運動非常不一樣的地方。 三項的規則與限制都略有不同,在此不贅述,有興趣者可以拉到底下看參考網站。
比賽場地為半室外(岩場有搭棚子),但由於疫情影響,不開放一般觀眾入場。 可能因為運動攀登在東奧首次被納入為比賽項目,光是轉播就足見主辦單位準備之用心,比賽期間不只有上下左右角度的即時轉播,還配合動畫模擬解釋賽程和岩場分析,讓初學者(就算看不懂日文聽不懂英文)也能大概了解其難度與刺激度,可謂非常的親民與精彩。
註1:2020奧運官網Sport Climbing概述→ 註2:愛爾達電視奧運官網→
參考資料: 中華奧委會→ 非常推薦批踢踢奧運板由熱心板友寫的觀賽指南→
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