2022-05-11|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

【Introducing Arenum, the DeFi Platform Betting on Mobile Gam

    Arenum is the tournament platform where players can register for tournaments for PUBG mobile, Call of Duty mobile, Garena Free Fire, and Brawl Stars. Most of them are recurring tournaments, with Brawl Stars being the most popular game with 40+ tournaments per day. 一個專注於移動遊戲錦標賽的平臺,有著SolRazr、Trustpad、Occam和Infinite Launch這樣的團隊,已舉辦了4場IDO活動也正在Solana區塊鏈上執行。超過100萬美元的私人資金後,Aerum證明了Solana驅動的遊戲錦標賽平臺的市場存在缺口。 目前,他們正在用九款移動休閒遊戲和一個錦標賽平臺來測試該平臺,玩家可以贏得寶石,在未來的Arenum 元宇宙中交易到NFT。 #gamefi #arenum
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