2022-05-11|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘


    High-cost, high-quality, high-volume 3A chain games may appear in the market by the thousands in the next 5 years. The scale of investment in the chain game circuit is second only to the basic setup of public chains. So which chain game projects do you think will bring Axie Infinity down to the Gamefi throne? 高成本、高品質、高體量的3A鏈游在未來5年內,市場上可能會出現上千款。 或從規模上打造,或從經濟模型中改進,將重燃遊戲用戶的熱血之心,對鏈游這一賽道的投資規模僅次於公鏈的基礎設置。 那麼你看好哪些鏈遊專案有望將 Axie Infinity 踢下 Gamefi 王座呢? #gamefi #3a
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