2022-06-13|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

Mastercard Onboards 2.9 billion into Web3 and NFTs

    Mastercard Onboards 2.9 billion into Web3 and NFTsThis is a major play from the credit card giants, which means that all their card holders will be able to purchase NFTs without buying crypto or dealing with crypto wallets. Mastercard will enable NFT commerce with Immutable X, Candy Digital, The Sandbox, Mintable, Spring, Gift Gateway and Web3 infrastructure provider MooPay. 万事达卡保证,购买NFT的人可以期待与所有万事达卡购买类似的安全和安保水平。这些集成旨在使加密货币更容易使用并帮助NFT生态系统不断增长、创新和吸引更多粉丝。这肯定会缓解对NFT安全的担忧。此外,这可能是加密采用钟形曲线的触发时刻。#NFT
    Mastercard Onboards 2.9 billion into Web3 and NFTs This is a major play from the credit card giants, which means that all their card holders will be able to purchase NFTs without buying crypto or dealing with crypto wallets. Mastercard will enable NFT commerce with Immutable X, Candy Digital, The Sandbox, Mintable, Spring, Gift Gateway and Web3 infrastructure provider MooPay. 万事达卡保证,购买NFT的人可以期待与所有万事达卡购买类似的安全和安保水平。这些集成旨在使加密货币更容易使用并帮助NFT生态系统不断增长、创新和吸引更多粉丝。这肯定会缓解对NFT安全的担忧。此外,这可能是加密采用钟形曲线的触发时刻。 #NFT
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