更新於 2024/12/19閱讀時間約 10 分鐘

霧峰林家宅園 Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden

霧峰林家宅園,述說著台灣近300年的故事。These buildings and gardens describe nearly 300years history of Taiwan.
霧峰林家包含頂厝、下厝、與萊園三大部分,宮保第,為太子太保或太子少保等一品官宅第 的稱呼,林文察為清朝朝廷捐軀而追封太子少保,在此,宮保第指的是下厝的宅第稱號。
下厝建築群於2014年整修後開放參觀,傳統建築之美以及精緻的雕刻裝飾等,都讓訪客驚嘆不已,最經典的為裡頭精美豪華的福州式戲臺大花廳,蔡依林與安室奈美惠合作的I'm Not Yours的MV,就是在這裡取景。
  • 搭乘高鐵:由高鐵台中站14號月台搭乘151路公車至霧峰站(中正路)下車(車行時間約30分鐘;再步行約5分鐘即可到達)。
  • 搭乘台鐵(火車):搭乘台鐵至台中火車站,再搭乘公車50、201線至霧峰郵局站(中正路)下車→步行約5分鐘即可到達。
A historic building is the time traveler that it's a "witness" to what had happened here and experienced all the histories with those people who lived here, whether tears or laughter.
When you click the Google Earth map at south of Taichung, you will notice a large area of red brick historic houses where is the national historical site – Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden. These buildings and garden describe nearly 300years history of Taiwan. Wufeng Lin's Gongbaodi is a five hall -buildings with eleven blocks which is quiet huge comparing to other historic building at the same age in Taiwan.
The historical site comprises 3 parts: the Lower Mansion, the Upper Mansion, and the Lai Garden. Gongbaodi of the lower mansion, means the residence of first grade officer in Qing Dynasty. Lin's ancestor laid down his life for Qing dynasty in 1864 and the emperor canonized him as Princes Shaobao (means princes' tutor or mentor) which is the first-grade officer at the time.
In 1885, one member of Lin's was conferred the exclusive right to sell rice and camphor which make the Lin's obtain huge property. You might be curious, why did they get rich because of camphor? It is because camphor was a key material for making smokeless powder in 1880 which increased the stability of fire powder then make it easier for transportation. Almost 70% of camphor were from Taiwan in late 19th century.
The Lower Mansion was reopened for public since 2014 after renovation and repairing from earthquake damage. Those aquiculture and decoration are eye-catching to visitors. The most classic must-see is the exquisite and luxurious Dahuating (Big Parlour) with a gorgeous stage. A famous Taiwanese signer Jolin and Namie Amuro had filmed a co-work music video here.
Right beside the Lin's mansion there is another must-visit national historical site "YiPu" which was built in 1906 and completed in 1914 which was Lin's personal guest house and was open to the public in 2020. There are many interesting stories and treasures to find out. No more spoil, just come to visit and it definitely worthy.
Yi Pu only open in weekends and visitors need to follow the guide tour. Reservation can be done on website or check the availability on site.。One hour tour at 10:30、14:00、16:00,3 tours per day during weekends.
Wufeng Lin Family Mansion & Garden:https://www.wufenglins.com.tw/
How to get there
  • THSR: Take No.151 bus from platform 14 in Taichung THSR station to Wufung station (30 mins duration) and walk about 5 mins to the Lin Family mansion.
  • By Train: Take the bus No 50, 201 from Taichung train station to Wufung post office station then walk about 5 mins to the Lin Family mansion.
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