2023-02-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘


[ The Blossoming of Dreams -- 跨域歷程記錄]
每回練完舞,總覺得身心通體舒暢。鏡子中的自己,狀態並非由別人定義,感謝仍能有健康,也知道身體終有一天走下坡,慢慢體力會受影響,無法再像此刻這樣燃燒地旺。 如果懂得將自己歸零,吸收身邊新事物,對任何事仍充滿好奇,享受每一個微小細節,是否仍能持有身心良好循環?然而當身邊開始有人以年齡來推斷妳的狀況時,百口莫辯之餘也沒必要反駁他們的觀點。知道生命燃燒當下的分秒,除了臉上細紋、頭上幾抹髮白之外,還能將現在燃到盡處,留存老的時候回憶取暖。 鏡子中身形和姿態,讓老師矯正地越發美麗(以往好像不是這樣…)。現在的年紀還能成就什麼?人們悲觀的論點,是我好奇的源頭,女人不該任歲數定勝負,日子還有很多可以寫,洞察不可能中的可能,淺藏在每個尚未挖掘的特點,等待被點燃與創造。我想創造生活,猶如選了所擁有的一切條件當材料,做出不同口味的糖果,甜自己與身邊的人。許多未完成的想法,都有擦撞燃點的可能,在某些時刻選對了角度與環境一擲燃起,照亮人生中各個時期不可避免的黑暗。
我們從黑暗的洞口來,享受光亮世界裡的一切風景,而當我們再度回到黑暗,已不再是同一個黑暗了。這是失去的另一種意涵,也是過程精采的地方。想到一首歌曲... The Scarlet Tide
《The Scarlet Tide》 詞曲:Elvis Costello 演唱:Alison Krauss
When I recall his parting words Must I accept his fate Or take myself far from this place I thought I heard a black bell toll A little bird did sing Man has no choice When he wants every thing
We'll rise above the scarlet tide That trickles down through the mountain And separates the widow from the bride
Man goes beyond his own decision Gets caught up in the mechanism Of swindlers who act like kings And brokers who break everything The dark of night was swiftly fading Close to the dawn of day Why would I want him just to lose him again
We'll rise above the scarlet tide That trickles down through the mountain And separates the widow from the bride We'll rise above the scarlet tide That trickles down through the mountain And separates the widow from the bride
獻給嘗試跨域與剛踏入繽紛新領域的你 -- 系列完結#
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