遠距職缺與付費代言機會 (Mar. 16-Mar. 22)

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👋aloha :) 想要成為自己的主人嗎?希望拓展你的收入管道嗎?本期電子報提供的是全新的自媒體創作者徵才計畫、Upwork高薪技能工作、最新品牌及電子報經營合作機會以及大放送的創作者獎助金活動!快來看看有哪些機會等著你吧!

如果你的推薦評論真的太棒了,我也會把它放在我的網站上,讓更多人看到你的才華!當然,如果你沒有時間或是懶得寫,也沒關係,我們還是好朋友 :)


  • Futcrunch is hiring an IRL editor for their main channel.
  • VictionaryHD is looking for a full-time editor to work on football content.
  • Jedcal is hiring marketing and content creation interns to help grow his site, ratemydorm.
  • Matt & Abby are looking for an executive assistant to help with scheduling and filming content.



  • Tendies, “a reddit client build by degenerates for degenerates," sponsored Capital Letter in Mar..
  • Bezel, "the first technology company dedicated to high end watches, building a 100% authenticated marketplace that delivers trust at scale," sponsored Exec Sum in Mar..
  • Water Avenue Coffee, whose mission is "to source the best of the world's coffee crop, working directly with coffee farmers to offer the most outstanding and high-quality coffees," sponsored Tip News in Mar..
  • Tradeshift, "the cloud-based supply chain platform that transforms the way B2B buyers and suppliers connect, transact and trade," sponsored Industry Dive: CFO Dive in Mar..
  • Carbon Streaming, which "pioneered the use of streaming transactions, a proven and flexible funding model, to scale high-integrity carbon credit projects to accelerate global climate action and advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals," sponsored Visual Capitalist in Mar..
  • Loxo, "a horizontally integrated suite of data-driven and AI-powered products designed to manage the full recruitment life cycle through a single system-of-record software platform," sponsored Morning Brew: HR Brew in Mar..
  • Tripadvisor, "the world's largest travel guidance platform," sponsored Dollar Flight Club: Room Service in Mar..
  • ConsenSys, "the leading Ethereum software company," sponsored Milk Road in Mar..
  • RollWorks , an account-based platform that aligns marketing and sales teams in B2B companies. They're a good fit for most newsletters or creators in the finance, marketing, and sales spaces.


Ideal Partner
Other adventure and motorsports newsletters. Outdoors and recreation newsletters as well. There is a big push for electric bikes as well so any electric car newsletters would fit as well.
Minimum Subscribers : 100
Wanted Category : Adventure, Cars, Electric Vehicles, Men's Lifestyle, Outdoors
Ideal Partner
I would love to meet newsletter writers who are open to cross-posting content, either written or podcast. My aim is to share other people's writing with my audience and to have other newsletters share some of my posts with their audiences.
I don't accept paid advertising or paid endorsements on my newsletter, but I might consider paying for exposure to new potential subscribers.
Minimum Subscribers : 100
Wanted Category : Agriculture, Food, Learning, Manufacturing, Professional Services
Ideal Partner
I create and curate content around being healthy, wealthy, and wise so a great fit would be someone who's helping people develop great habits, make better decisions, or be a better person.
Minimum Subscribers : 50
Wanted Category : Habits, Health, Men's Lifestyle, Personal Finance, Productivity


  • The Malee Scholarship Grant - For WOC Type Designers
The mission of this grant is to provide financial assistance and mentorship to support and empower Women of Color as they pursue a career in type design. A $6,000 scholarship is granted annually to one Woman of Color over 16.
Deadline: March 26, 2023
  • 2023 Emerging Leaders Fellowship Program
This is a 12-week leadership intensive development program created specifically to expand the capacity of early to mid-stage entrepreneurs who identify as Black/Brown and woman. In this program, rising leaders will be developed to champion creating access to community, capital, and capacity building in their own markets. A $5,000 stipend will be provided.
Deadline: March 27, 2023

Hope today's email makes you some money :)
Worth it or Meh - was ok. or same for me ?
-miss aloha

How can I help? ↓

aloha :) 感謝你訂閱本週的付費電子報。在這裡,我為你帶來了最新的遠距工作機會,Upwork Alerts以及付費代言機會。
aloha :) 感謝你訂閱本週的付費電子報。在這裡,我為你帶來了最新的遠距工作機會,Upwork Alerts,付費代言機會以及創作者獎助金等消息。
輕鬆獲取 Upwork 工作資訊、付費代言機會、知名廠商贊助消息,以及全新推出的創作者獎助金!把握遠距工作的時機,為你的事業開創新里程!
每周我將分享更多【精選遠距職缺、Upwork Alerts、付費代言及哪家廠商正在進行贊助】的機會。
每周與你分享更多【精選遠距職缺、Upwork Alerts、付費代言及哪家廠商正在進行贊助】的機會。
aloha :) 感謝你訂閱本週的付費電子報。在這裡,我為你帶來了最新的遠距工作機會,Upwork Alerts以及付費代言機會。
aloha :) 感謝你訂閱本週的付費電子報。在這裡,我為你帶來了最新的遠距工作機會,Upwork Alerts,付費代言機會以及創作者獎助金等消息。
輕鬆獲取 Upwork 工作資訊、付費代言機會、知名廠商贊助消息,以及全新推出的創作者獎助金!把握遠距工作的時機,為你的事業開創新里程!
每周我將分享更多【精選遠距職缺、Upwork Alerts、付費代言及哪家廠商正在進行贊助】的機會。
每周與你分享更多【精選遠距職缺、Upwork Alerts、付費代言及哪家廠商正在進行贊助】的機會。
Google News 追蹤
透過獵頭幫我找工作需要付費嗎?跟獵頭合作需要提供哪些資訊?應該和獵頭保持什麼樣的關係比較合適?要怎麼樣讓獵頭幫我找工作? 如果你也有上述這些疑問,這篇文章有助於你可以快速了解你和獵頭/招募顧問的關係。
這篇文章討論了從找不到工作到成為自由工作者和內容行銷公司老闆的職涯歷程。 文章內容包括自由工作者的挑戰、穩定現金流的方法、開發客戶的有效途徑,以及接案的利與弊。歡迎訂閱、追蹤專題、打賞或留言分享討論!
我們協助台灣企業在美國尋找人才,注意到一些現象。求職者有許多選擇。雖然有許多雇主招募員工的資源,若想找合適的獵人頭合作,你需要努力。我們必須能代表你,並且幫助你發展職涯。我們要了解你的能力,並有效的助攻推薦你。 我在 Forbes 看到針對尋找合適獵人頭公司有 16 項要點,相當實用,來為你解析。
接觸到一位積極的求職者, 他計畫向一家德國公司投遞履歷。這家公司目前並沒有開出職缺, 他想毛遂自薦, 讓公司知道他有相關的專業背景和能力可以為公司做貢獻。主動向心儀的公司毛遂自薦是靠自己開發出隱藏版工作機會的一種求職方式, 但怎麼樣的內容才能讓公司留下好印象呢? 我認為有以下4點需要注意。
EP.03 人事篩履歷 雖然標題看起來是篩選,但多數的人事招募工作有看到主動投遞的大概就是直接轉發用人單位主管,詢問這個要不要約。如果都沒有什麼主動投遞的,就如同前面所提,那就會根據用人主管的一些特定條件去搜尋,然後一次提供部分數量,再讓主管挑挑有沒有合適可以問的。這樣的一段工作對於招募來說相
EP.1 人事撈履歷  We're Hiring.... 大缺工時代,幾乎所有的產業都在喊缺人,人事行政常見工作最多的就是撈履歷,約面試,這篇就先從招募的入門聊一聊,也許招募應該可以寫滿多篇的。
透過獵頭幫我找工作需要付費嗎?跟獵頭合作需要提供哪些資訊?應該和獵頭保持什麼樣的關係比較合適?要怎麼樣讓獵頭幫我找工作? 如果你也有上述這些疑問,這篇文章有助於你可以快速了解你和獵頭/招募顧問的關係。
這篇文章討論了從找不到工作到成為自由工作者和內容行銷公司老闆的職涯歷程。 文章內容包括自由工作者的挑戰、穩定現金流的方法、開發客戶的有效途徑,以及接案的利與弊。歡迎訂閱、追蹤專題、打賞或留言分享討論!
我們協助台灣企業在美國尋找人才,注意到一些現象。求職者有許多選擇。雖然有許多雇主招募員工的資源,若想找合適的獵人頭合作,你需要努力。我們必須能代表你,並且幫助你發展職涯。我們要了解你的能力,並有效的助攻推薦你。 我在 Forbes 看到針對尋找合適獵人頭公司有 16 項要點,相當實用,來為你解析。
接觸到一位積極的求職者, 他計畫向一家德國公司投遞履歷。這家公司目前並沒有開出職缺, 他想毛遂自薦, 讓公司知道他有相關的專業背景和能力可以為公司做貢獻。主動向心儀的公司毛遂自薦是靠自己開發出隱藏版工作機會的一種求職方式, 但怎麼樣的內容才能讓公司留下好印象呢? 我認為有以下4點需要注意。
EP.03 人事篩履歷 雖然標題看起來是篩選,但多數的人事招募工作有看到主動投遞的大概就是直接轉發用人單位主管,詢問這個要不要約。如果都沒有什麼主動投遞的,就如同前面所提,那就會根據用人主管的一些特定條件去搜尋,然後一次提供部分數量,再讓主管挑挑有沒有合適可以問的。這樣的一段工作對於招募來說相
EP.1 人事撈履歷  We're Hiring.... 大缺工時代,幾乎所有的產業都在喊缺人,人事行政常見工作最多的就是撈履歷,約面試,這篇就先從招募的入門聊一聊,也許招募應該可以寫滿多篇的。