2013-08-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘

Google當機5分鐘 全球網路流量減4成◎自由(2013.08.19)

    Between 15:51 and 15:52 PDT, 50% to 70% of requests to Google received errors;


    Google當機5分鐘 全球網路流量減4自由(2013.08.19



    英國「每日郵報」報導,Google搜尋引擎、電子信箱Gmail、影音分享網站YouTube及雲端硬碟Google Drive等一系列服務,16日下午中斷15分鐘。據網路分析公司GoSquared調查,Google當機期間全球網路流量銳減約4成,反映Google在網路世界的驚人影響力,網友極為依賴Google


    專家蘇利文(Danny Sullivan)表示,這種所有服務同時當機的情況非常罕見,今年4Gmail也曾當機,但當時Google網站主頁並未受影響。若以Google第二季營收141億美元估算,每分鐘營收約10.8萬美元,當機5分鐘的損失高達54.5萬美元。



    Google 這樣說:

    8/17/13 7:37 AM

    We're aware of a problem with Gmail affecting a significant subset of users.  The affected users are able to access Gmail, but are seeing error messages and/or other unexpected behavior.  We will provide an update by 8/17/13 8:37 AM detailing when we expect to resolve the problem.  Please note that this resolution time is an estimate and may change.The incident lasted 1-5 minutes.


    8/17/13 7:48 AM

    The problem with Gmail should be resolved.  We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and continued support. Please rest assured that system reliability is a top priority at Google, and we are making continuous improvements to make our systems better.Between 15:51 and 15:52 PDT, 50% to 70% of requests to Google received errors; service was mostly restored one minute later, and entirely restored after 4 minutes.




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