2011-12-27|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 10 分鐘

馬與美中的暗語對話:台灣2012總統選舉與兩岸關係◎CSIS / Bonnie Glaser and Brittany Billingsley(2011.11) / 雲程譯

    The U.S. finally announced on December 21that Taiwan has been officially listed as a “candidate” for the U.S. Visa Waiver Program (VWP).  One year ago, the Ma administration made a preliminary notice that the US would grant its visa waiver for Taiwan, not just a candidate.  The US, strictly speaking, does not give MYJ full support.  However, the timing is critical.
    As the US announced the decision just three weeks before 2012 Presidential Election, some scholars as well as Taiwanese see the move taken by the Department of State as a support for  MYJ, while the Obama administration has vowed not to take sides in the election.  An article entitled US Prefers Ma but will work with Tsai detailed this:

    Obama administration officials’ preference for a Ma victory is also a consequence of their hope to avoid introducing additional contentious issues to the increasingly complicated US-China agenda. Bilateral tensions have run high in recent years over a long list of issues, including North Korea, South China Sea, China’s military modernization, and China’s currency valuation and trade practices.  US arms sales to Taiwan in January 2010 and September 2011 infuriated the Chinese and soured US-China relations as well, but the impact was relatively confined and short lived compared to the likely Chinese reaction to the return of the DPP to power.  Past experience demonstrates that when Chinese fears of Taiwan independence spike, other issues are crowded out in US-Chinese consultations, making compromises and solving problems even more difficult than usual.  

    Another article Is America sticking a hand in the election? told a similar story. 
    It is logical for the US to consider its policies and make decisions in terms of its national interests.  The point is: Has DPP changed after 2008?  MYJ was, in fact, communicating with Beijing and Washington D.C., not Taiwanese voters, when he asserted in the Presidential debate on TV that Tsai Ing-wen had been re-shaped by DPP’s culture – and he did it without solid evidence.  He was asking for foreign helps.  And, judging from what the US has done during the election, Ma apparently has got it.    revised at 1550

    可是,「時機」是重點。美國選在這選前三週給馬政府送柴火(當然,還有高官陸續到訪),觀察者認為是國務院暗助馬英九。這與美國所宣稱的對選舉中立,無異極大的諷刺甚至是虛偽。已有文章:US Prefers Ma but will work with Tsai示警。


    另一篇文章:Is America sticking a hand in the election? 也觀察到類似現象。

    台灣2012總統選舉與兩岸關係◎CSIS / Bonnie Glaser and Brittany Billingsley2011.11 / 雲程譯

    Taiwan’s 2012 Presidential Elections and Cross-Strait Relations – Implications for the United States






    北京急切關注台灣的總統選舉,北京領導階層對於民進黨執政下維持兩岸關係的前景持悲觀態度。一些中國學者認為民進黨的重新執政將帶給胡錦濤追求 「和平發展」的政策內部的批判,並迫使他採取強硬的態度。在中國進行權力轉換前夕出現這類發展,將影響新領導階層的人事佈局與政策


    馬總統說假使符合三個前提:取得台灣人民在公投中的強烈支持;國家有需要;以及在立法院監督下,台灣將「謹慎考慮」(cautiously consider)在下一個十年內與中國簽署和平協議。


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