2011-09-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 14 分鐘




    Collin Powell, former Secretary of State, claimed on Oct. 24, 2004: “Taiwan is not independent.  It does not enjoy sovereignty as a nation, and that remains our policy, our firm policy. Three years later (08/30/2007), Dennis Wilder, National Security Council Senior Director for Asian Affairs, confirmed: “Taiwan, or the Republic of China, is not at this point a state in the international community.[1]  Neither of them suggested that Taiwan is part of China.

    However, ever since Ma Ying-jeou took the office in 2008, he seeks every possible chance to interpret that Taiwan is part of China and tends to change the status of Taiwan unilaterally.  His pretexts are ever-changing and inconsistent.  They are:

    According to the Cairo press communiqué, Taiwan should be returned to China;

    According to the Treaty of Taipei (1952), Japan has restored the sovereignty of Taiwan to ROC;

    According to the Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895), Qing Empire has ceded only the jurisdiction, not full sovereignty, over Formosa and the Pescadores to Japan, so China has legitimate right to recollect;

    According to the San Francisco Peace Treaty (1951), Formosa and the Pescadores has been restored to China by the renunciation of Japan;

    MYJ’s latest pretext returns to the Cairo press communiqué, which has no signature of the participants on the original text. Actually, in a reply letter to Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Michael J. Kurtz, Assistant Archivist for Records Services of the National Archives and Records Administration, stated that “the declaration was a "communiqué," and it does not have treaty series (TS) or executive agreements series (EAS) number. [2]  In short, it was not a treaty or an US code.  http://fapa.org/Archives/Let%20from%20Archives.pdf

    Being a President and a scholar of international laws, MYJ has been unbelievably irregular and changeable. Little does it occur to him that his ever-changing pretexts have paradoxically confirmed the fact that Taiwan status is yet to be determined since the end of the war.  And the fact was already confirmed sixty years ago today (1951/9/5) by John Foster Dulles, the former US Secretary of State who hosted the San Francisco Peace Conference.  His message was more than lucid: [3]

    the treaty embodies article 8 of the Surrender Terms which provided that Japanese sovereignty should be limited to Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and some minor islands.  The renunciations contained in article 2 of chapter II strictly and scrupulously conform to that surrender term.

    Some Allied Powers suggested that article 2 should not merely delimit Japanese sovereignty according to Potsdam, but specify precisely the ultimate disposition of each of the ex-Japanese territories. This, admittedly, would have been neater. But it would have raised questions as to which there are now no agreed answers. We had either to give Japan peace on the Potsdam Surrender Terms or deny peace to Japan while the Allies quarrel about what shall be done with what Japan is prepared, and required, to give up.  Clearly, the wise course was to proceed now, so far as Japan is concerned, leaving the future to resolve doubts by invoking international solvents other than this treaty.


    Conflicts between Japan and China began in 1931 and open warfare broke out in 1937.

    revised at 1250













    有關台、澎主權已於二次大戰後歸還中華民國的法律文獻,現正在國立故宮博物院展出中,歷史事實不容否認  中華台北外交部(2011-9-4

    關於1951年舊金山和約第2條聲明日本放棄台灣、澎湖,但未述及其歸屬乙節,外交部茲再度強調重申如下:一、 根據194312月中華民國、美國與英國三國領袖共同發布的「開羅宣言」規定:日本竊自中國的領土,包括東三省、台灣及澎湖群島,必須歸還中華民國(…All the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa, and Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China)。隨後19457月中、美、英三國再度發布「波茨坦公告」,重申「開羅宣言」的條件必須貫徹實施(The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out…)。同年8月日本天皇宣布無條件投降時,以及9月日本向盟軍呈遞的降伏文書,均明確接受波茨坦公告。前述文件均為台灣與澎湖在戰後已歸還成為中華民國領土的歷史鐵證,美國並將「開羅宣言」與「波茨坦公告」列入「美國條約與國際協定彙編」,將日本降書載入「美國法規大全」,均具有法律拘束力。




    美國國務卿杜勒斯在1951.09.05「舊金山和會」的開場演講(1/2) 雲程譯/SW校飾
    美國國務卿杜勒斯在1951.09.05「舊金山和會」的開場演講(2/2) 雲程譯/SW校飾




    [2]  http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!d6hnhe6aHxhzQj85exApw7mbsw--/article?mid=1136  accessed on 2011/09/05   and http://fapa.org/Archives/Let%20from%20Archives.pdf  accessed on 2011/09/07

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