2009-02-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘




    美國在台協會AIT與駐美國台北經濟文化代表處TECRO所訂立之協定選輯 AIT


    根據台灣關係法 Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) 第六條1及第 13014 行政命令 Executive Order 13014, 61 F.R. 42963,由美國總統或任何美國政府機關執行的與台灣相關的計劃、交易和其他關係,一般由美國在台協會或透過美國在台協會加以執行、進行和實施。



    197911前與台灣當局達成之協定而目前仍有效者,請參見國務院相關網站 Treaties in Force


     36 份協定、協定簽約日期:9/4/1980  7/10/2007

    Agriculture  (9) Aviation  (17) Environment  (4)  Judicial Assistance  (1)  Scientific and Technical Cooperation  (4) Trade  (1)



    A. 美國總統或美國政府各部門與臺灣人民進行實施的各項方案、交往或其他關係,應在總統指示的方式或範圍內,經由或透過下述機構來進行實施:

    1. 美國在台協會,這是一個依據哥倫此亞特區法律而成立的一個非營利法人:

    2. 總統所指示成立,繼承上述協會的非政府機構。(以下將簡稱「美國在台協會」為「該協會」。)

    B. 美國總統或美國政府各部門依據法律授權或要求,與臺灣達成、進行或實施協定或交往安排時,此等協定或交往安排應依美國總統指示的方式或範圍,經由或透過該協會達成、進行或實施。

    C. 該協會設立或執行業務所依據的哥倫比亞特區、各州或地方政治機構的法律、規章、命令,阻撓或妨礙該協會依據本法律執行業務時,此等法律、規章、命令的效力應次於本法律。


    美國總統或美國政府各機構依據美國法律授權或要求,向臺灣提供,或由臺灣接受任何服務、連絡、保證、承諾等事項,應在總統指定的方式及範圍內,向臺灣設立的 機構提供上述事項,或由這一機構接受上述事項。此一機構乃總統確定依臺灣人民適用的法律而具有必需之權力者,可依據本法案代表臺灣提供保證及採取其他行動者。



    Selected Agreements between AIT and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO)

    The people of the United States maintain cultural, commercial and other unofficial relations with the people on Taiwan .

    Pursuant to section 6 of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) (P.L. 96-8, 93 Stat. 14, 22 U.S.C. 3305) and Executive Order 13014, 61 F.R. 42963, programs, transactions, and other relations carried out by the President or any agency of the United States Government with respect to Taiwan are generally conducted and carried out by or through the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT). Similarly, U.S. agreements or transactions relative to Taiwan are generally entered into, performed, and enforced by or through AIT.

    Pursuant to section 10(a) of the TRA, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO), formerly the Coordination Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA) has been determined to be the instrumentality established by the people on Taiwan having the necessary authority under the laws applied by the people on Taiwan to provide assurances and take other actions on behalf of Taiwan in accordance with the TRA (Executive Order 13014).

    Selected Agreements entered into between AIT and TECRO (or its predecessor CCNAA) since January 1, 1979 are listed here.

    For agreements that were concluded with Taiwan authorities prior to January 1, 1979 and continue in force, see the United States Department of State publication Treaties in Force.

    Agriculture  (9)

    Aviation  (17)

    Environment  (4)

    Judicial Assistance  (1)

    Scientific and Technical Cooperation  (4)

    Trade  (1)


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