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看看兩則和平計劃(Peace Plan),不同點是:俄羅斯不同意「國際對南奧與阿未來地位進行會商」。因此,目前還是僵局。


No more use of force(停火)

Stop all military actions for good(永遠停止軍事行動)

Free access to humanitarian aid(允許人道物資自由進入)

Georgian troops return to their places of permanent deployment(允許喬治亞軍隊回防)

Russian troops to return to pre-conflict positions(俄羅斯軍隊退回衝突前位置)

International talks about future status of South Ossetia and Abkhazia(國際對南奧與阿未來地位進行會商)


No more use of force(停火)

Stop all military actions for good(永遠停止軍事行動)

Free access to humanitarian aid(允許人道物資自由進入)

Georgian troops return to their places of permanent deployment(允許喬治亞軍隊回防)

Russian troops return to pre-conflict positions(俄羅斯軍隊退回衝突前位置)


喬治亞衝突各方聲明:Georgia conflict: Key statements

BBC 報導了喬治亞衝突中各方有許多聲明,非常有價值的資料。


Key quotes from the main players during the conflict between Georgia and Russia over the breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

15 AUGUST 2008

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice:現已非1968年,一個大國入侵鄰近小國並推翻政府:入侵捷克
"Georgia has been attacked. Russian forces need to leave Georgia at once. The world needs to help Georgia maintain its sovereignty, its territorial integrity and its independence. This is no longer 1968 and the invasion of Czechoslovakia... when a great power invaded a small neighbour and overthrew its government. The free world will now have to wrestle with the profound implications of this Russian attack on its neighbour for security in the region and beyond."

US President George W Bush
"Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected. Bullying and intimidation are not acceptable ways to conduct foreign policy in the 21st century. A contentious relationship with Russia is not in America's interest and a contentious relationship with America is not in Russia's interest. Moscow must honour its commitment to withdraw its invading forces from all Georgian territory. Only Russia can decide whether it will now put itself back on the path of responsible nations or continue to pursue a policy that promises only confrontation and isolation."

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev:南奧與阿人民不願留在喬治亞、我們的公民、我們的維和部隊不容受攻擊
"Russia does not reject the principle of territorial integrity but its foreign policy will take into account the will of the peoples of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, who are unlikely to want to remain in the same state with Georgia. If someone continues to attack our citizens, our peacekeepers, then of course we will answer just as we did."

German Chancellor Angela Merkel:不成比例
"I found some of Russia's actions disproportionate and in particular think the presence of Russian troops in Georgia proper is not sensible - and so I believe that the six-point plan must be realised immediately and the Russian troops should withdraw from Georgia proper."

14 AUGUST 2008

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev:1966年國際公約、支持、保證
"We support any decision taken by the people of South Ossetia and Abkhazia in accordance with the charter of the United Nations, the 1966 international convention and the Helsinki Act on security in Europe. We don't just support this, but will guarantee them, both in the Caucasus and the world as a whole."

13 AUGUST 2008

US President George W Bush
"In recent years, Russia has sought to integrate into the diplomatic, political, economic, and security structures of the 21st Century. The United States has supported those efforts. Now Russia is putting its aspirations at risk by taking actions in Georgia that are inconsistent with the principles of those institutions. To begin to repair the damage to its relations with the United States, Europe, and other nations, and to begin restoring its place in the world, Russia must keep its word and act to end this crisis."

Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili:種族屠殺語族群清洗、暫時停火
"We are living in an Orwellian world where the Russian Federation accuses Georgia of genocide and ethnic cleansing and meanwhile they are doing it exactly right now... There was a temporary ceasefire, that was the understanding. From this morning there is large-scale movement of Russian weapons, of shooting, of armed incidents, rampages through different towns and villages of Georgia... Russian troops are in the process of completing ethnic cleansing of all Georgian-populated areas of Abkhazia and South Ossetia."

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov:增援我們在南奧的維和部隊、我們的和平部隊將駐留南奧
"The armed forces of the Russian Federation which were sent to South Ossetia to reinforce our peacekeeping forces, they will be withdrawn to Russian territory depending on the extent to which the Georgian troops go back to their barracks. Our peacekeepers will remain in South Ossetia.

"The only change relates to the fact that Georgian peacekeepers, who were part of the peacekeeping contingent, but turned out to be simply traitors and cowards and started shooting at their colleagues - of course, they are never again going to appear as part of a peacekeeping contingent in South Ossetia."

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
"This is not 1968 and the invasion of Czechoslovakia, where Russia can threaten a neighbour, occupy a capital, overthrow a government and get away with it. Things have changed... I have heard the Russian president say that his military operations are over. I am saying it is time for the Russian president to be true to his word."

12 AUGUST 2008

Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili:南奧與阿對喬治亞的領土完整和所屬無可置疑、由喬治亞政府所控制的南奧「飛地」、
At a news conference after agreeing a peace plan with France's President Sarkozy:
"The territorial integrity and belonging of South Ossetia and Abkhazia to Georgia can never be put under doubt."

Earlier, in a television address:
"We are working with an international community, but all we got so far are just words, statements, moral support, humanitarian aid. But we need more - we want them to stop this barbaric aggressor.

"As you know the enclaves of South Ossetia previously controlled by the Georgian government and by local administration headed by ethnic Ossetian Dimitri Sanakoev has been ethnically cleansed by intruding Russian troops, and I get very worrying reports - some of them look to be unfortunately credible - of point-blank executions, on-sight killings, some people taken into some kind of camps or some internal places in Kurta and Vladikavkaz."

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev:維和部隊
"The security of our peacekeepers and civilians has been restored. The aggressor has been punished and suffered very significant losses. Its military has been disorganised.

"You know, the difference between lunatics and other people is that when they smell blood it is very difficult to stop them. So you have to use surgery. As for claims by the Georgian president that the ceasefire has been observed for two days - that's a lie. Georgian forces continued to fire at peacekeepers, unfortunately people were killed yesterday. There was no ceasefire from the Georgian side."

French President Nicolas Sarkozy:臨時停止敵對行動
"We don't yet have peace. But we have a provisional cessation of hostilities. And everyone should be aware that this is considerable progress."

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
In comments by spokesman:
"We want to see the Russians stand down. What we're calling on is for Russia to stop its aggression."

11 AUGUST 2008

Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili
"[Russia's actions amount to the] pre-planned, cold-blooded murder of a country."

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
"They [the Americans] of course had to hang Saddam Hussein for destroying several Shia villages. But the current Georgian rulers who in one hour simply wiped 10 Ossetian villages from the face of the earth, the Georgian rulers which used tanks to run over children and the elderly, which threw civilians into cellars and burnt them - they [Georgian leaders] are players that have to be protected."

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev:種族屠殺
"The ferocity in which the actions of the Georgian side were carried out cannot be called anything else but genocide, because they acquired a mass character and were directed against individuals, the civilian population, peacekeepers who carried out their functions of maintaining peace."

US President George W Bush:侵略主權鄰國與威脅由人民選出的民主政府、和平協議
"Russia has invaded a sovereign neighbouring state and threatens a democratic government elected by its people. Such an action is unacceptable in the 21st Century. The Russian government must reverse the course it appears to be on and accept this peace agreement as a first step toward solving this conflict."

10 AUGUST 2008

Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili
"We are really seeing absolutely unparalleled situation since many, many decades in the world. This is the most surreal world crisis I could ever imagine and it's very unfortunate that it is happening in my country. I insist that it's happening unprovoked by us, and I insist that it was all pre-planned."

Russian Ambassador to UN, Vitaly Churkin:替換政權(總統下台)純然為美國的臆想、
"Regime change is purely an American invention, purely an American invention; we never apply this terminology in our political thinking and certainly we are all for democracy in Georgia, and it's interesting that our American colleagues chose to bring up publicly this idea of President Saakashvili stepping down."

9 AUGUST 2008

Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili
"This is 100%, unprovoked brutal Russian invasion. This is about annihilation of a democracy on their borders. We on our own cannot fight with Russia. We want an immediate ceasefire, immediate cessation of hostilities, separation of Russia and Georgia and international mediation."

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin:喬治亞企圖加入北約、侵犯本國人民的罪刑
"Georgia's aspiration to join NATO... is driven by its attempt to drag other nations and peoples into its bloody adventures.

"The actions of the Georgian powers in South Ossetia are, of course, a crime - first of all against their own people. The territorial integrity of Georgia has suffered a fatal blow."

US President George W Bush:衝突區、危險的升級
In a statement:
"I'm deeply concerned about the situation in Georgia. The attacks are occurring in regions of Georgia far from the zone of conflict in South Ossetia. They mark a dangerous escalation in the crisis. We have urged an immediate halt to the violence and a stand-down by all troops. We call for an end to the Russian bombings, and a return by the parties to the status quo."

8 AUGUST 2008

Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili:顯然的侵犯他國領土
"Russia is fighting a war with us in our own territory. This is a clear intrusion on another country's territory. We have Russian tanks on our territory, jets on our territory in broad daylight."

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev:保護俄羅斯公民的生命財產
"I must protect the life and dignity of Russian citizens wherever they are. We will not allow their deaths to go unpunished. Those responsible will receive a deserved punishment."

    Google News 追蹤
    2017. 春夏 喬治亞設計系珍妮  好多年了 這個女生的很多細節 都已經記不太清楚 儘管在我的雲端翻了好久 卻找不到一張照片 好像她不曾存在過我的記憶裡一樣 最近在微信上看到他發朋友圈 所以跟她小聊了一下 許多回憶碎片 好像被撈了出來 珍妮是江西人 就是簡稱贛的那個
    空間感十足的中階價位住宿,冷氣機壞掉扣了些分數,不然整體 C/P 值還是不錯的。推薦指數 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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    打開喬治.桑的戀人名單,就像是展開一部十九世紀的歐洲文藝史。 喬治.桑是法國第一位提倡婦女個性自主、性觀念解放的女人,也是第一位靠寫作謀生的法國女作家。她的情慾世界,就如同她那男性化的筆名一樣,既有男人般積極的行動力,又像她筆下所描寫的那些戀愛故事,訴求強烈而深情。
    之前發表過一篇文章: 喬治亞人的國民料理-起司麵包船,有很多讀者朋友們對這道料理很感興趣,也有朋友來信想知道如何製作,所以在天氣漸冷的十月,好久沒有開烤箱的我決定捲起袖子,試一試這一道國寶級美食,這道美食和西班牙烘蛋一樣,幾乎當地人人會做,但最好吃的絕對來自La Mama-偉大的母親。
    2017. 春夏 喬治亞設計系珍妮  好多年了 這個女生的很多細節 都已經記不太清楚 儘管在我的雲端翻了好久 卻找不到一張照片 好像她不曾存在過我的記憶裡一樣 最近在微信上看到他發朋友圈 所以跟她小聊了一下 許多回憶碎片 好像被撈了出來 珍妮是江西人 就是簡稱贛的那個
    空間感十足的中階價位住宿,冷氣機壞掉扣了些分數,不然整體 C/P 值還是不錯的。推薦指數 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
    平常在家喜歡做些什麼呢?我最喜歡待在家裡當顆沙發馬鈴薯,舒舒服服地躺在沙發上,一邊追劇一邊吃零食,是我最放鬆的時光。 這幾年我開始比較注重飲食,但是我又不想犧牲當沙發馬鈴薯的興趣,零食絕對是不能捨棄的,因此,我將高油、高糖、高鈉零食換成了健康零嘴堅果和果乾。
    網頁更新日期:2023/8月/1日 富比士雜誌亞洲版 簡介 富比士雜誌亞洲版(Forbes Asia)是富比士雜誌在亞洲地區的版本,專門報導亞洲地區的商業、金融和財經新聞,專注於分析亞洲經濟和商業領域的發展 富比士雜誌亞洲版的內容主要關注亞洲國家的企業家、投資者和商業領袖,並提供詳細的商業洞見
    打開喬治.桑的戀人名單,就像是展開一部十九世紀的歐洲文藝史。 喬治.桑是法國第一位提倡婦女個性自主、性觀念解放的女人,也是第一位靠寫作謀生的法國女作家。她的情慾世界,就如同她那男性化的筆名一樣,既有男人般積極的行動力,又像她筆下所描寫的那些戀愛故事,訴求強烈而深情。
    之前發表過一篇文章: 喬治亞人的國民料理-起司麵包船,有很多讀者朋友們對這道料理很感興趣,也有朋友來信想知道如何製作,所以在天氣漸冷的十月,好久沒有開烤箱的我決定捲起袖子,試一試這一道國寶級美食,這道美食和西班牙烘蛋一樣,幾乎當地人人會做,但最好吃的絕對來自La Mama-偉大的母親。