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看書__The Creative Curve

    2019/02/17<The Creative Curve>這本書我採取略讀的方式閱讀。前面花篇幅說明創造力不是天啟,譬如有名的yesterday曲子突然從天而降sudden inspiration,但花了兩年才完成全首歌,期間還被人嫌到不行。

    我喜歡aha moment / Wow time !!!

    Law I :concumption 看遍、聽遍、書籍電視電影舞蹈偷聽咖啡館對話...讓右腦先有些資料...才能無意識地運作。

    TED sarandos 早年在錄影帶店看遍所有錄影帶的經驗成為他人排隊聆聽經驗的店員後來成為netflix的創辦人

    Aha moment : (1) shower moment (2)combination (3)Trigger by Edward Bowden's research 

    (我去查了Bowden 跟The Creative Brain Lab 一起研究,後者2015年出了本書The Eureka Factor    我也順便去聽了書中訪談的創作吉他手 Mike Einziger 隸屬於Incubus 樂團的歌曲...不過聽了幾首歌曲之後,還是去找德語歌曲來聽...嘿...)  novelty

    Law II : Imitation 意識或無意識地模仿共同的formula

    Law III: Creative Communities :創意這條路要成功通常需要環繞在這四種人(群)之中─ a master teacher/a conflicting collaborator/a modern muse/ a prominent promotor 

    Wow max martin 是寫歌大師而且教出的徒子徒孫也在排行榜。"Master teachers serve two essential roles : They teach constraints, and they assist with deliberate practice through feedback. Absorbing these constaints in turn allows students to make progress more rapidlyh, as they refine thier own skills."

    "learning from experienced teahcer and getting feedvback from them is a na essential step in developing and honing a creative skill."

    "mathematics. it turns out ,is a core element of writing a great pop song." melodic math.

    D.A wallach也很有趣,是哈佛大學期間組樂團chester French 主唱,現在是投資家投資了spotify 與space x 等等。身為aritst-musician-investor.他當年樂團的夥伴如今是拍樂來樂愛你la-la-land的導演與配樂。他還在影片中參一咖唱歌。2009年他們發行"Love the future "改天來聽。已經超過10點就不聽囉!妙!

    wow 作者發現他訪談的人許多人都保有學習心態 the most open and the most willing to create moments of learning and vulnerability. 他們如DA 是90在問問題. kevin ryan是只講30%話. 

    作者提到 刻意練習 the science of deliberate practice suggests that we all need to learn from someone more advanced than we are. 作者提到不只learn the craft 也要create something.

    Creative Communities 提到還是大多的男性白人佔各領域優勢,因此需要的creative community 不容易找到,靠自覺與工具。從自己的粉絲團或者相關社團園地找尋。

    between the establishment and the fringe. 已有名聲者讓叫無名者唱開場,taylor swift也被提攜過日後也提攜shawn mendes. 可以互相幫助的組合。 

    Law IV: Iteration

    Cambridge Dictionary : the  of doing something again and again, usually to  it, or one of the  you do it:

    這裡舉的例子主要指的是ben &Jerry ice cream的發想及不斷操作演練兩年前即已把每年的6-15種口味敲定。透過旅行吃喝(包括在酒吧喝酒喝到新的調味而促成新口味)還有網路雜誌等等以及IG以及消費者粉絲的回應。

    "To listen to their audience"無論對甚麼領域都是用

    iteration : novelity and constraints




    4.feed back

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