2023-05-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

【日常英文】片語小集錦day 2

be averse to sth 不願意的,討厭的
My father has never been averse to challenging himself.
do away with (1)殺掉
Rumours has it that our neighbor had done away with his wife.
The unreasonable traditions should have been done away with.
back out 食言,失約,變卦
He suddenly wants to back out of the agreement.
bear out 證實,支持(某種說法、看法等)
These clues seem to bear out his suspicion.
beat around the bush 說話拐彎抹角,旁敲側擊
Well, I'm not gonna beat around the bush now.
put ... before everything (else) 把...看得比什麼都重要
I put my cat before everything else. She is my entire world.
on behalf of 代表
I am writing on behalf of my mother.
be beside oneself with+(表情緒的名詞) ...若狂;...得不得了
He was beside himself with grief when his cat passed away.
no better than 和...一樣糟
Half a coffee is better than no drink.
get the better of 勝過,超越,打敗
Sometimes their emotions and temper get the better of them.
blow over 停止,平息
Don't worry. The scandal will soon blow over.
under one's breath 低聲地
"I am hungry," she muttered under her breath.
bring one to one's senses 使蘇醒
My empty wallet always brought me to my senses.
be brought to light 使真相大白
These concerns should have been brought to light earlier.
brush up (on) 溫習
You may want to brush up (on) your German before your departure.
but for+N 若非;要不是
But for your help, I should have starved to death. 
buy off 賄賂;收買
The ruling party was caught buying off voters.
buy out 買下·····的全部產(股)權
The family bought out the landlord and divided the land.
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