2023-10-14|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘

英文練習-All about the bread

    bread / 圖片來源:https://www.irasuton.com/2013/06/blog-post_8154.html

    bread / 圖片來源:https://www.irasuton.com/2013/06/blog-post_8154.html


    Six-way 初 unit 2


    心得(Chatgpt 協作):

    Talking about bread, I like red bean bread. The soft bread has sweet red bean paste inside.

    How to make flour and dough? Flour made of wheat or rye is ground into powder. Adding water to flour will form dough. Because flour contains protein, the dough will be full of gluten. Gluten forms a network throughout the dough, making it elastic.

    In our day, yeast is what makes bread rise. Yeast ferments, and then forms CO2 bubbles. These bubbles are trapped in the dough. They raise the bread. They give it lightness.


    • ferment v.發酵
    • flour v.麵粉
    • grind ground ground v.磨

    syn. crush

    • dough n.麵團
    • yeast n.酵母
    • wheat n.小麥
    • rye n.黑麥
    • gluten n.麩質


    • A make of B A由B做成(外觀可看出原料)
      • Bread made of dough.
      • Noodle made of flour.
      • Cars made of metal.
    • be trapped in 被困住
      • The animals are trapped in the ice.
      • I am trapped in the train station.
    • throughout 遍佈
      • Gluten forms a net-work throughout the dough.
      • I feel the breath flowing throughout my entire body.
      • Stars shone brightly throughout the night sky.
      • Lights shone brightly throughout the city.
    • rather recent 近期
      • Good, smooth, light bread is rather recent.
      • OLED TVs, Smartphones are rather recent.
      • The government start to care birth rate is rather recent.
    • used to 原V. 過去經常做的事,現在不做了
      • It used to be that wheat was ground between 2 stones.
      • We used to be that going to Taipei from Tainan by train.
      • I used to be learning to stay up all night.
    • get rid of 擺脫,除去
      • Crushing wheat between steel rollers got rid of grit.
      • Warming up before exercise gets rid of injury.
      • Eating healthy gets rid of sickness.
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