MC What is the cost of Ethereum upgrades? Will the gap betwe

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What is the cost of Ethereum upgrades?

Will the gap between rich and poor in the virtual currency circle widen?

Will power be concentrated in a few?

What challenges will continue to arise for Ethereum in the future?





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1. **Cost of Ethereum upgrade**:

Ethereum’s Dencun upgrade introduces a new type of transaction “blob”.

This can greatly increase the amount of data stored.

Increase the data capacity that each block of Layer 2 can carry,

This in turn makes transaction fees cheaper.

However, this bargain price comes at a price.

The Ethereum execution layer (EL, EVM) actually has no access to the BLOB data itself.

In addition, BLOB data can only be stored for a limited period of time (usually about 18 days).

It will not expand infinitely like the size of the Ethereum ledger.

2. **The gap between rich and poor in the currency circle**:

There is currently no specific data showing whether the gap between the rich and the poor in the currency circle will widen.

However, like other markets,

There may be a gap between rich and poor in the cryptocurrency market.

This mainly depends on a variety of factors, including the number of market participants,

their investment strategies, and the overall state of the market.

3. **Power is concentrated in a few people**:

In any social or economic system,

Power tends to be concentrated in the hands of a few.

This is because a few people have an endless thirst for power,

And will use whatever means necessary to seize power and use...

However, this does not mean that this situation is irreversible.

***Through system design and fair rules,

Can promote the decentralization of power and prevent excessive concentration of power...

4. **Future Challenges of Ethereum**:

Challenges facing Ethereum include the inherent volatility of cryptocurrency markets,

regulatory uncertainty, and addressing scalability issues.

For example, there currently appears to be uncertainty regarding regulation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

May affect Ethereum’s price dynamics.

Additionally, Ethereum needs to continue to address its scalability issues,

to meet growing demand.


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